Jatha Software

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LispBignum

Uses of LispBignum in org.jatha

Methods in org.jatha that return LispBignum
 LispBignum Jatha.makeBignum(BigInteger value)
          Creates a LispBignum type initialized with the value provided.
 LispBignum Jatha.makeBignum(double value)
 LispBignum Jatha.makeBignum(LispInteger value)
 LispBignum Jatha.makeBignum(long value)

Uses of LispBignum in org.jatha.dynatype

Classes in org.jatha.dynatype that implement LispBignum
 class StandardLispBignum
          Implements BigNums - large integers.

Methods in org.jatha.dynatype that return LispBignum
static LispBignum LispValueFactory.makeBignum(Jatha lisp, BigInteger value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispBignum LispValueFactory.makeBignum(Jatha lisp, double value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispBignum LispValueFactory.makeBignum(Jatha lisp, LispInteger value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispBignum LispValueFactory.makeBignum(Jatha lisp, long value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead

Jatha Software