Interface Summary |
LispAtom |
LispAtom defines the ATOM type in Common LISP. |
LispBignum |
Defines BigNums - large integers. |
LispCharacter |
LispComplex |
LispComplex is an abstract class that implements
the Common LISP COMPLEX type. |
LispCons |
LispConsOrNil |
An abstract class for the CONS and NIL data types. |
LispConstant |
LispForeignObject |
LispFunction |
Implements a Common LISP 'function' type that
represents a built-in or user-defined function. |
LispHashTable |
Implements the Common LISP 'hashtable' type, including
all four types: eq, eql, equal, and equalp has tables. |
LispInteger |
LispJavaObject |
LispKeyword |
A keyword is a constant (symbol) which evaluates to itself. |
LispMacro |
LispMacro is a data type that represents a LISP Macro definition. |
LispNil |
LispNumber |
LispNumber is an abstract class that implements
the Common LISP NUMBER type. |
LispPackage |
An implementation of ANSI Common LISP packages,
including defpackage, export, import, etc. |
LispReal |
LispString |
LispSymbol |
LispSymbol implements LISP Symbols, including provisions
for special bindings. |
LispValue |
LispValueInterface defines the root of the Interfaces that define
the datatypes in the system. |
Class Summary |
LispConsIterator |
An abstract class for the CONS and NIL data types. |
LispValueFactory |
As of Jatha 1.5.3, do not use this class. |
StandardLispAtom |
LispAtom defines the ATOM type in Common LISP. |
StandardLispBignum |
Implements BigNums - large integers. |
StandardLispCharacter |
StandardLispComplex |
StandardLispComplex represents a Complex number. |
StandardLispCons |
StandardLispConsOrNil |
An abstract class for the CONS and NIL data types. |
StandardLispConstant |
StandardLispForeignObject |
StandardLispFunction |
Implements a Common LISP 'function' type which represents
built-in or user-defined functions. |
StandardLispHashTable |
Implements the Common LISP 'hashtable' type, including
all four types: eq, eql, equal, and equalp has tables. |
StandardLispInteger |
StandardLispJavaObject |
StandardLispKeyword |
A keyword is a constant (symbol) which evaluates to itself. |
StandardLispMacro |
Implements a Common LISP 'macro' type which represents
user-defined macros. |
StandardLispNIL |
StandardLispNumber |
LispNumber is an abstract class that implements
the Common LISP NUMBER type. |
StandardLispPackage |
An implementation of ANSI Common LISP packages,
including defpackage, export, import, etc. |
StandardLispReal |
StandardLispString |
StandardLispSymbol |
LispSymbol implements LISP Symbols, including provisions
for special bindings. |
StandardLispValue |
LispValue is the root of all of the dynamically-typed LISP-like
structures. |