Jatha Software

Class StandardLispMacro

  extended by org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispValue
      extended by org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispFunction
          extended by org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispMacro
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable, LispFunction, LispMacro, LispValue

public class StandardLispMacro
extends StandardLispFunction
implements LispMacro

Implements a Common LISP 'macro' type which represents user-defined macros.

This class was contributed by Jean-Pierre Gaillardon, April 2005

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispValue
Constructor Summary
StandardLispMacro(Jatha f_lisp, LispValue symbol, LispValue value)
Method Summary
 boolean basic_functionp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a function.
 boolean basic_macrop()
          Returns Java true if the object is a macro.
 String toString()
          toString() returns a printed representation of the form (as printed by (prin1)) in a Java string.
Methods inherited from class org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispFunction
getCode, getSymbol, internal_prin1, internal_princ, internal_print, isBuiltin, toJava
Methods inherited from class org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispValue
abs, acos, add, adjustSpecialCount, append, apply, apropos_print, asin, assoc, atan, atan2, atom, basic_atom, basic_bignump, basic_consp, basic_constantp, basic_floatp, basic_foreignp, basic_integerp, basic_keywordp, basic_length, basic_listp, basic_null, basic_numberp, basic_stringp, basic_symbolp, bignump, boundp, butlast, car, cdr, ceiling, characterp, clrhash, compareTo, concatenate, consp, constantp, contains, copy_list, copy, cos, cot, csc, degreesToRadians, divide, documentation, eighth, elt, elt, eq, eql, equal, equalNumeric, factorial, fboundp, fifth, first, floatp, floor, fourth, funcall, functionp, get_specialCount, gethash, gethash, getLisp, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, hash_table_count, hash_table_rehash_size, hash_table_rehash_threshold, hash_table_size, hash_table_test, hashtablep, integerp, internal_getName, internal_prin1_as_cdr, internal_princ_as_cdr, internal_print_as_cdr, iterator, keywordp, last, length, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, lisp_null, list, listp, max, member, min, multiply, nconc, negate, neql, ninth, nreverse, nstringCapitalize, nstringDowncase, nstringUpcase, numberp, pop, position, prin1, princ, print, push, radiansToDegrees, rassoc, readFromString, reciprocal, remhash, remove, rest, reverse, rplaca, rplacd, sec, second, set_special, setf_documentation, setf_gethash, setf_symbol_function, setf_symbol_plist, setf_symbol_value, setLisp, setPackage, setq, seventh, showStackTrace, sin, sixth, specialP, sqrt, string, stringCapitalize, stringDowncase, stringEndsWith, stringEq, stringEqual, stringGreaterP, stringGreaterThan, stringGreaterThanOrEqual, stringLeftTrim, stringLeftTrim, stringLessP, stringLessThan, stringLessThanOrEqual, stringNeq, stringNotGreaterP, stringNotLessP, stringp, stringRightTrim, stringRightTrim, stringStartsWith, stringTrim, stringTrim, stringUpcase, subst, substring, substring, subtract, symbol_function, symbol_name, symbol_package, symbol_plist, symbol_value, symbolp, tan, tenth, third, toCollection, toJava, toString, toStringAsCdr_internal, toStringAsCdr, toStringShort, toStringShort, toStringSimple, type_of, typep, uses, zerop
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.jatha.dynatype.LispFunction
getCode, getSymbol, isBuiltin
Methods inherited from interface org.jatha.dynatype.LispValue
abs, acos, add, adjustSpecialCount, append, apply, apropos_print, asin, assoc, atan, atan2, atom, basic_atom, basic_bignump, basic_consp, basic_constantp, basic_floatp, basic_foreignp, basic_integerp, basic_keywordp, basic_length, basic_listp, basic_null, basic_numberp, basic_stringp, basic_symbolp, bignump, boundp, butlast, car, cdr, ceiling, characterp, clrhash, compareTo, concatenate, consp, constantp, contains, copy_list, copy, cos, cot, csc, degreesToRadians, divide, documentation, eighth, elt, elt, eq, eql, equal, equalNumeric, factorial, fboundp, fifth, first, floatp, floor, fourth, funcall, functionp, get_specialCount, gethash, gethash, getLisp, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, hash_table_count, hash_table_rehash_size, hash_table_rehash_threshold, hash_table_size, hash_table_test, hashtablep, integerp, internal_getName, internal_prin1_as_cdr, internal_prin1, internal_princ_as_cdr, internal_princ, internal_print_as_cdr, internal_print, iterator, keywordp, last, length, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, lisp_null, list, listp, max, member, min, multiply, nconc, negate, neql, ninth, nreverse, nstringCapitalize, nstringDowncase, nstringUpcase, numberp, pop, position, prin1, princ, print, push, radiansToDegrees, rassoc, readFromString, reciprocal, remhash, remove, rest, reverse, rplaca, rplacd, sec, second, set_special, setf_documentation, setf_gethash, setf_symbol_function, setf_symbol_plist, setf_symbol_value, setLisp, setPackage, setq, seventh, sin, sixth, specialP, sqrt, string, stringCapitalize, stringDowncase, stringEndsWith, stringEq, stringEqual, stringGreaterP, stringGreaterThan, stringGreaterThanOrEqual, stringLeftTrim, stringLeftTrim, stringLessP, stringLessThan, stringLessThanOrEqual, stringNeq, stringNotGreaterP, stringNotLessP, stringp, stringRightTrim, stringRightTrim, stringStartsWith, stringTrim, stringTrim, stringUpcase, subst, substring, substring, subtract, symbol_function, symbol_name, symbol_package, symbol_plist, symbol_value, symbolp, tan, tenth, third, toCollection, toJava, toJava, toString, toStringAsCdr_internal, toStringAsCdr, toStringShort, toStringShort, toStringSimple, type_of, typep, uses, zerop

Constructor Detail


public StandardLispMacro(Jatha f_lisp,
                         LispValue symbol,
                         LispValue value)
Method Detail


public boolean basic_functionp()
Description copied from interface: LispValue
Returns Java true if the object is a function.

Specified by:
basic_functionp in interface LispValue
basic_functionp in class StandardLispFunction


public boolean basic_macrop()
Description copied from interface: LispValue
Returns Java true if the object is a macro.

Specified by:
basic_macrop in interface LispValue
basic_macrop in class StandardLispValue


public String toString()
Description copied from class: StandardLispValue
toString() returns a printed representation of the form (as printed by (prin1)) in a Java string.

Specified by:
toString in interface LispValue
toString in class StandardLispFunction
String The value in a string.

Jatha Software