Jatha Software

Interface LispFunction

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable, LispValue
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
StandardLispFunction, StandardLispMacro

public interface LispFunction
extends LispValue

Implements a Common LISP 'function' type that represents a built-in or user-defined function.

See Also:

Method Summary
 LispValue getCode()
          Returns the code of the Function.
 LispValue getSymbol()
          Returns the symbol whose function this represents.
 boolean isBuiltin()
          Returns true if this is a builtin (predefined) function.
Methods inherited from interface org.jatha.dynatype.LispValue
abs, acos, add, adjustSpecialCount, append, apply, apropos_print, asin, assoc, atan, atan2, atom, basic_atom, basic_bignump, basic_consp, basic_constantp, basic_floatp, basic_foreignp, basic_functionp, basic_integerp, basic_keywordp, basic_length, basic_listp, basic_macrop, basic_null, basic_numberp, basic_stringp, basic_symbolp, bignump, boundp, butlast, car, cdr, ceiling, characterp, clrhash, compareTo, concatenate, consp, constantp, contains, copy_list, copy, cos, cot, csc, degreesToRadians, divide, documentation, eighth, elt, elt, eq, eql, equal, equalNumeric, factorial, fboundp, fifth, first, floatp, floor, fourth, funcall, functionp, get_specialCount, gethash, gethash, getLisp, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, hash_table_count, hash_table_rehash_size, hash_table_rehash_threshold, hash_table_size, hash_table_test, hashtablep, integerp, internal_getName, internal_prin1_as_cdr, internal_prin1, internal_princ_as_cdr, internal_princ, internal_print_as_cdr, internal_print, iterator, keywordp, last, length, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, lisp_null, list, listp, max, member, min, multiply, nconc, negate, neql, ninth, nreverse, nstringCapitalize, nstringDowncase, nstringUpcase, numberp, pop, position, prin1, princ, print, push, radiansToDegrees, rassoc, readFromString, reciprocal, remhash, remove, rest, reverse, rplaca, rplacd, sec, second, set_special, setf_documentation, setf_gethash, setf_symbol_function, setf_symbol_plist, setf_symbol_value, setLisp, setPackage, setq, seventh, sin, sixth, specialP, sqrt, string, stringCapitalize, stringDowncase, stringEndsWith, stringEq, stringEqual, stringGreaterP, stringGreaterThan, stringGreaterThanOrEqual, stringLeftTrim, stringLeftTrim, stringLessP, stringLessThan, stringLessThanOrEqual, stringNeq, stringNotGreaterP, stringNotLessP, stringp, stringRightTrim, stringRightTrim, stringStartsWith, stringTrim, stringTrim, stringUpcase, subst, substring, substring, subtract, symbol_function, symbol_name, symbol_package, symbol_plist, symbol_value, symbolp, tan, tenth, third, toCollection, toJava, toJava, toString, toString, toStringAsCdr_internal, toStringAsCdr, toStringShort, toStringShort, toStringSimple, type_of, typep, uses, zerop

Method Detail


LispValue getCode()
Returns the code of the Function. The code is not cached so that changes in definitions will take effect immediately.


LispValue getSymbol()
Returns the symbol whose function this represents. For an anonymous function, the symbol will be null.


boolean isBuiltin()
Returns true if this is a builtin (predefined) function.

Jatha Software