Jatha Software

Interface LispValue

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
LispAtom, LispBignum, LispCharacter, LispComplex, LispCons, LispConsOrNil, LispConstant, LispForeignObject, LispFunction, LispHashTable, LispInteger, LispJavaObject, LispKeyword, LispMacro, LispNil, LispNumber, LispPackage, LispReal, LispString, LispSymbol
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbsoluteValuePrimitive, AddOnePrimitive, AddPrimitive, AppendPrimitive, ApplyPrimitive, AproposPrimitive, ArcCosinePrimitive, ArcSinePrimitive, ArcTangent2Primitive, ArcTangentPrimitive, AssocPrimitive, AtomPrimitive, BackquotePrimitive, BlockPrimitive, BoundpPrimitive, ButlastPrimitive, CarPrimitive, CdrPrimitive, CeilingPrimitive, CharacterpPrimitive, ClrhashPrimitive, ConcatenatePrimitive, ConspPrimitive, ConsPrimitive, ConstantpPrimitive, CopyListPrimitive, CosecantPrimitive, CosinePrimitive, CotangentPrimitive, DefconstantPrimitive, DefparameterPrimitive, DefvarPrimitive, DegreesToRadiansPrimitive, DividePrimitive, DocumentationPrimitive, EighthPrimitive, EltPrimitive, EqlPrimitive, EqPrimitive, EqualNumericPrimitive, EvalPrimitive, ExitPrimitive, ExportPrimitive, FactorialPrimitive, FboundpPrimitive, FifthPrimitive, FindPackagePrimitive, FirstPrimitive, FloatpPrimitive, FloorPrimitive, FourthPrimitive, FreePrimitive, FuncallPrimitive, FunctionPrimitive, GcFullPrimitive, GcPrimitive, GethashPrimitive, GoPrimitive, GreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive, GreaterThanPrimitive, GrindefPrimitive, HashtableCountPrimitive, HashtablepPrimitive, HashtableRehashSizePrimitive, HashtableRehashThresholdPrimitive, HashtableSizePrimitive, HashtableTestPrimitive, ImportPrimitive, IntegerpPrimitive, InternPrimitive, KeywordpPrimitive, LastPrimitive, LengthPrimitive, LessThanOrEqualPrimitive, LessThanPrimitive, LispConsIterator, LispPrimitive, ListAllPackagesPrimitive, ListpPrimitive, ListPrimitive, ListStarPrimitive, LoadFromJarPrimitive, LoadPrimitive, Macroexpand1Primitive, MacroexpandPrimitive, MakeHashTablePrimitive, MakepackagePrimitive, MaxPrimitive, MemberPrimitive, MinPrimitive, MultiplyPrimitive, NconcPrimitive, NinthPrimitive, NotPrimitive, NreversePrimitive, NStringCapitalizePrimitive, NStringDowncasePrimitive, NStringUpcasePrimitive, NullPrimitive, NumberpPrimitive, opAP, opBLK, opDAP, opDUM, opJOIN, opLD, opLD_GLOBAL, opLDC, opLDF, opLDFC, opLDR, opLIS, opNIL, opRAP, opRTN, opRTN_IF, opRTN_IT, opSEL, opSP_BIND, opSP_UNBIND, opSTOP, opT, opTAG_B, opTAG_E, opTEST, PackageNamePrimitive, PackageNicknamesPrimitive, PackageUseListPrimitive, PopPrimitive, PositionPrimitive, Prin1Primitive, PrincPrimitive, PrintPrimitive, PushPrimitive, QuotePrimitive, RadiansToDegreesPrimitive, RassocPrimitive, ReadFromStringPrimitive, ReciprocalPrimitive, RemhashPrimitive, RemovePrimitive, RestPrimitive, ReturnFromPrimitive, ReversePrimitive, RplacaPrimitive, RplacdPrimitive, SecantPrimitive, SECDop, SECDRegister, SecondPrimitive, SetfDocumentationPrimitive, SetfGethashPrimitive, SetfSymbolFunctionPrimitive, SetfSymbolPlistPrimitive, SetfSymbolValuePrimitive, SetPrimitive, SetqPrimitive, SeventhPrimitive, ShadowingImportPrimitive, ShadowPrimitive, SinePrimitive, SixthPrimitive, SquareRootPrimitive, StandardLispAtom, StandardLispBignum, StandardLispCharacter, StandardLispComplex, StandardLispCons, StandardLispConsOrNil, StandardLispConstant, StandardLispForeignObject, StandardLispFunction, StandardLispHashTable, StandardLispInteger, StandardLispJavaObject, StandardLispKeyword, StandardLispMacro, StandardLispNIL, StandardLispNumber, StandardLispPackage, StandardLispReal, StandardLispString, StandardLispSymbol, StandardLispValue, StringCapitalizePrimitive, StringDowncasePrimitive, StringEndsWithPrimitive, StringEqPrimitive, StringEqualPrimitive, StringGreaterpPrimitive, StringGreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive, StringGreaterThanPrimitive, StringLeftTrimPrimitive, StringLesspPrimitive, StringLessThanOrEqualPrimitive, StringLessThanPrimitive, StringNeqPrimitive, StringNotGreaterpPrimitive, StringNotLesspPrimitive, StringpPrimitive, StringPrimitive, StringRightTrimPrimitive, StringStartsWithPrimitive, StringTrimPrimitive, StringUpcasePrimitive, SubstPrimitive, SubtractOnePrimitive, SubtractPrimitive, SymbolFunctionPrimitive, SymbolNamePrimitive, SymbolPackagePrimitive, SymbolPlistPrimitive, SymbolpPrimitive, SymbolValuePrimitive, TagbodyPrimitive, TangentPrimitive, TenthPrimitive, ThirdPrimitive, TimePrimitive, TracePrimitive, TypeOfPrimitive, UsePackagePrimitive, ZeropPrimitive

public interface LispValue
extends Comparable

LispValueInterface defines the root of the Interfaces that define the datatypes in the system. Most representations will pass around values as this type. User: hewett Date: Nov 7, 2003 Time: 2:49:43 PM

Method Summary
 LispValue abs()
          Absolute value of a number.
 LispValue acos()
          Arccos function.
 LispValue add(LispValue args)
          Returns the sum of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 void adjustSpecialCount(int amount)
 LispValue append(LispValue otherList)
          Append two lists together.
 LispValue apply(LispValue args)
          Apply a function to an argument list.
 void apropos_print(PrintWriter out)
          Prints information for the APROPOS function
 LispValue asin()
          Arcsin function.
 LispValue assoc(LispValue index)
          Look up a value in an association list.
 LispValue atan()
          Arctan function.
 LispValue atan2(LispValue x)
          Arctan function.
 LispValue atom()
          Returns T if the object is an atom.
 boolean basic_atom()
          Returns Java true if the object is an atom.
 boolean basic_bignump()
          Returns Java true if the object is a Bignum.
 boolean basic_consp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a CONS cell.
 boolean basic_constantp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a constant.
 boolean basic_floatp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a floating-point number.
 boolean basic_foreignp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a reference to an object in a foreign computer language.
 boolean basic_functionp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a function.
 boolean basic_integerp()
          Returns Java true if the object is an integer.
 boolean basic_keywordp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a keyword.
 int basic_length()
          Returns the Java length of a list or string.
 boolean basic_listp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a CONS cell or NIL.
 boolean basic_macrop()
          Returns Java true if the object is a macro.
 boolean basic_null()
          Returns Java true if the object is NIL.
 boolean basic_numberp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a number.
 boolean basic_stringp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a string.
 boolean basic_symbolp()
          Returns Java true if the object is a symbol.
 LispValue bignump()
          Returns T if the object is a Bignum.
 LispValue boundp()
          Returns T if the symbol has been assigned a value.
 LispValue butlast()
          Returns all but the last of the elements of a list.
 LispValue car()
          Returns the first element of a list.
 LispValue cdr()
          Returns all but the first element of a list.
 LispValue ceiling()
          Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the input number.
 LispValue characterp()
          Returns T if the object is a Character.
 LispValue clrhash()
          Clears a hash table.
 int compareTo(Object o)
 LispValue concatenate(LispValue value)
          Concatenate a string to another string.
 LispValue consp()
          Returns T if the object is a CONS cell.
 LispValue constantp()
          Returns T if the object is a constant.
 boolean contains(LispValue object)
          Wrapper for member().
 LispValue copy_list()
          Returns a copy of the top level of a list.
 LispValue copy()
          Returns a full copy of any list, tree, array or table, copying all the leaf elements.
 LispValue cos()
          Cosine function, argument in radians.
 LispValue cot()
          Cotangent function, 1/tan(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue csc()
          Cosecant function, 1/sin(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue degreesToRadians()
          Converts a numeric value from degrees to radians.
 LispValue divide(LispValue args)
          Returns the quotient of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue documentation(LispValue type)
          Returns the documentation string for this symbol, of the type specified.
 LispValue eighth()
          Returns the 8th element of a list.
 LispValue elt(int index)
 LispValue elt(LispValue index)
          Returns the nth element of a list.
 LispValue eq(LispValue val)
          Returns T if the argument is exactly identical to the object.
 LispValue eql(LispValue val)
          Returns T if the argument is EQ to the object or if the arguments and object are numbers with equal values.
 LispValue equal(LispValue val)
          Returns T if the argument is EQL or if two strings are STRING= or if two trees have EQUAL subtrees.
 LispValue equalNumeric(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object is EQUAL to its argument.
 LispValue factorial()
          Compute the factorial of a non-negative integer.
 LispValue fboundp()
          Returns T if the symbol has an assigned function.
 LispValue fifth()
          Returns the fifth element of a list, or NIL if the list is shorter than 5 elements.
 LispValue first()
          Returns the first element of a list.
 LispValue floatp()
          Returns T if the object is a floating-point number.
 LispValue floor()
          Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the input number.
 LispValue fourth()
          Returns the 4th element of a list, or NIL if the list is shorter than 4 elements.
 LispValue funcall(LispValue args)
          Calls a functio non a list of arguments.
 LispValue functionp()
 int get_specialCount()
 LispValue gethash(LispValue key)
          Retrieves values from a hash table.
 LispValue gethash(LispValue key, LispValue defawlt)
          Retrieves values from a hash table, returning a default value if the key is not in the table.
 Jatha getLisp()
 LispValue greaterThan(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly decreasing order.
 LispValue greaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in non-increasing order.
 LispValue hash_table_count()
          Returns the number of items in the hash table.
 LispValue hash_table_rehash_size()
          Returns a floating-point number that indicates how large the hash table will be after rehashing, as a percentage of the current size.
 LispValue hash_table_rehash_threshold()
          Returns a floating-point number that indicates how full the table gets before it will expand and rehash its contents.
 LispValue hash_table_size()
          Returns the total size of the hash table, including empty slots.
 LispValue hash_table_test()
          Returns the function used when comparing keys in the hash table.
 LispValue hashtablep()
          Returns T if the object is a floating-point number.
 LispValue integerp()
          Returns T if the object is an Integer.
 String internal_getName()
 void internal_prin1_as_cdr(PrintStream os)
 void internal_prin1(PrintStream os)
 void internal_princ_as_cdr(PrintStream os)
 void internal_princ(PrintStream os)
 void internal_print_as_cdr(PrintStream os)
 void internal_print(PrintStream os)
 Iterator iterator()
 LispValue keywordp()
          Returns T if the object is a keyword.
 LispValue last()
          Returns the last cons cell in a list.
 LispValue length()
          Returns the length of a list or string.
 LispValue lessThan(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly increasing order.
 LispValue lessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly non-decreasing order.
 LispValue lisp_null()
          Returns T if the object is NIL.
 LispValue list()
          Creates a list from the object.
 LispValue listp()
          Returns T if the object is a list.
 LispValue max(LispValue args)
          Returns the maximum element of a list of numbers.
 LispValue member(LispValue elt)
          Returns the tail of the list starting at the given element.
 LispValue min(LispValue args)
          Returns the minimum element of a list of numbers.
 LispValue multiply(LispValue args)
          Returns the product of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue nconc(LispValue arg)
          Destructively appends a list to the end of the given list.
 LispValue negate()
          Return the negative of a number.
 LispValue neql(LispValue val)
          Not in the LISP standard, but useful so we don't have to compose (NOT (EQL ...)) when creating expressions.
 LispValue ninth()
          Returns the ninth element of a list, or NIL if the list is shorter than nine elements.
 LispValue nreverse()
          Destructively reverses the given list.
 LispValue nstringCapitalize()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringCapitalize.
 LispValue nstringDowncase()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringDowncase.
 LispValue nstringUpcase()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringUpcase.
 LispValue numberp()
          Returns T if the object is any kind of number.
 LispValue pop()
          Pops a list and returns the first element.
 LispValue position(LispValue element)
          Returns the index of an element in a sequence.
 LispValue prin1()
          Prints the value to standard output with *print-escape* bound to T.
 LispValue princ()
          Prints the output so that it is readable to a person.
 LispValue print()
          Prints using prin1, except the output is preceded by a newline and terminated by a space.
 LispValue push(LispValue value)
          Pushes an element onto a list and returns the list.
 LispValue radiansToDegrees()
          Converts a numeric value from radians to degrees.
 LispValue rassoc(LispValue index)
          Like ASSOC except it matches the CDR of the cell instead of the CAR.
 LispValue readFromString()
          Reads a value from the given string.
 LispValue reciprocal()
          Computes 1/x of the given number.
 LispValue remhash(LispValue key)
          Removes an element from a hash table.
 LispValue remove(LispValue elt)
          Returns a copy of a list without all copies of the given element.
 LispValue rest()
          Synonym for CDR.
 LispValue reverse()
          Returns the reversed value of a list.
 LispValue rplaca(LispValue newCar)
          Replaces the CAR of a CONS cell.
 LispValue rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
          Replaces the CDR of a CONS cell.
 LispValue sec()
          Secant function, 1/cos(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue second()
          Returns the second element of a list or NIL if the list is shorter than two elements.
 void set_special(boolean value)
 LispValue setf_documentation(LispValue type, LispValue value)
          Sets the documentation string for this symbol of the type specified.
 LispValue setf_gethash(LispValue key, LispValue value)
          Sets a value in a hash table.
 LispValue setf_symbol_function(LispValue newFunction)
          Sets the function of a symbol.
 LispValue setf_symbol_plist(LispValue newPlist)
          Sets the property list of a symbol.
 LispValue setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
          Sets the value of a symbol.
 void setLisp(Jatha lisp)
 void setPackage(LispPackage newPackage)
 LispValue setq(LispValue newValue)
          Assigns a value to a symbol.
 LispValue seventh()
          Returns the seventh element of a list or NIL if the list is shorter than seven elements.
 LispValue sin()
          Sine trigonometric function, argument is in radians.
 LispValue sixth()
          Returns the sixth element of a list or NIL if the list is shorter than six elements.
 boolean specialP()
 LispValue sqrt()
          Square root, accepts negative numbers.
 LispValue string()
          Converts a String, Symbol or Character to a string.
 LispValue stringCapitalize()
          Capitalizes the first character of a string and converts the remaining characters to lower case.
 LispValue stringDowncase()
          Converts all of the characters to lower case.
 LispValue stringEndsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue stringEq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue stringEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue stringGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-greaterp function.
 LispValue stringGreaterThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string> function.
 LispValue stringGreaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string>= function.
 LispValue stringLeftTrim()
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue stringLeftTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue stringLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-lessp function.
 LispValue stringLessThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string< function.
 LispValue stringLessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string<= function.
 LispValue stringNeq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is not STRING= the given string.
 LispValue stringNotGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-greaterp function.
 LispValue stringNotLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-lessp function.
 LispValue stringp()
          Returns T if the object is a string.
 LispValue stringRightTrim()
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue stringRightTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue stringStartsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue stringTrim()
          Trims the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue stringTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue stringUpcase()
          Converts all the characters to upper case.
 LispValue subst(LispValue newValue, LispValue oldValue)
          Replaces all oldValues in a tree with newValue.
 LispValue substring(LispValue start)
          Returns the substring of a string starting with the nth element.
 LispValue substring(LispValue start, LispValue end)
          Returns the substring of a string starting with the start element and ending just before the end element.
 LispValue subtract(LispValue args)
          Returns the difference of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue symbol_function()
          Returns the function assigned to a symbol.
 LispValue symbol_name()
          Returns a string containing the name of a symbol.
 LispValue symbol_package()
          Returns the package of a symbol.
 LispValue symbol_plist()
          Returns the property list of a symbol.
 LispValue symbol_value()
          Returns the value of a symbol.
 LispValue symbolp()
          Returns T if the object is a symbol.
 LispValue tan()
          Tangent trigonometric function, argument is in radians.
 LispValue tenth()
          Returns the tenth element of a list or NIL if the list is less than ten elements long.
 LispValue third()
          Returns the third element of a list or NIL if the list is less than three elements long.
 Collection toCollection()
          Returns the Lisp value as a Collection.
 Object toJava()
          Returns a Java equivalent of the object.
 Object toJava(String typeHint)
          Returns a Java equivalent of the object.
 String toString()
          toString() returns a printed representation of the form (as printed by (prin1)) in a Java string.
 String toString(String columnSeparator)
          Same as toString unless you are getting a String representation of an array.
 String toStringAsCdr_internal(long index)
          Counts cdrs so as not to have runaway lists.
 String toStringAsCdr()
 String toStringShort()
          Prints a short version of the item.
 String toStringShort(int numberOfElements)
          Prints out a short version of the Array.
 String toStringSimple()
          Strips double-quotes and leading colons from a LispString value.
 LispValue type_of()
 LispValue typep(LispValue type)
 boolean uses(LispValue pkg)
          Returns true if this package uses the given package
 LispValue zerop()

Method Detail


Jatha getLisp()


void setLisp(Jatha lisp)


String internal_getName()


void internal_princ(PrintStream os)


void internal_princ_as_cdr(PrintStream os)


void internal_prin1(PrintStream os)


void internal_prin1_as_cdr(PrintStream os)


void internal_print(PrintStream os)


void internal_print_as_cdr(PrintStream os)


void apropos_print(PrintWriter out)
Prints information for the APROPOS function


boolean basic_atom()
Returns Java true if the object is an atom.


boolean basic_bignump()
Returns Java true if the object is a Bignum.


boolean basic_consp()
Returns Java true if the object is a CONS cell.


boolean basic_constantp()
Returns Java true if the object is a constant.


boolean basic_floatp()
Returns Java true if the object is a floating-point number.


boolean basic_foreignp()
Returns Java true if the object is a reference to an object in a foreign computer language.


boolean basic_functionp()
Returns Java true if the object is a function.


boolean basic_integerp()
Returns Java true if the object is an integer.


boolean basic_keywordp()
Returns Java true if the object is a keyword.


int basic_length()
Returns the Java length of a list or string.


boolean basic_listp()
Returns Java true if the object is a CONS cell or NIL.


boolean basic_macrop()
Returns Java true if the object is a macro.


boolean basic_null()
Returns Java true if the object is NIL.


boolean basic_numberp()
Returns Java true if the object is a number.


boolean basic_stringp()
Returns Java true if the object is a string.


boolean basic_symbolp()
Returns Java true if the object is a symbol.


boolean contains(LispValue object)
Wrapper for member().

true if the object is in the list.


int compareTo(Object o)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable


Iterator iterator()


Object toJava()
Returns a Java equivalent of the object. For example, the number 3 is returned as an instance of new Integer(3). If it can't be converted to a more useful Java object, it returns a String representation.


Object toJava(String typeHint)
Returns a Java equivalent of the object. For example, the number 3 is returned as an instance of new Integer(3). If it can't be converted to a more useful Java object, it returns a String representation. You can optionally send in a hint as to what type is preferred.


Collection toCollection()
Returns the Lisp value as a Collection. Most useful for lists, which are turned into Collections. But also works for single values.


String toString()
toString() returns a printed representation of the form (as printed by (prin1)) in a Java string.

toString in class Object
String The value in a string.


String toString(String columnSeparator)
Same as toString unless you are getting a String representation of an array. Then it uses the columnSeparator variable to separate columns in the output.

columnSeparator - optional column separator string, defaults to a single space.
a String containing a printed representation of the value.


String toStringSimple()
Strips double-quotes and leading colons from a LispString value.


String toStringShort()
Prints a short version of the item. Can optionally send in the number of elements to print. Most useful for arrays or long lists.


String toStringShort(int numberOfElements)
Prints out a short version of the Array. Defaults to 5 elements

numberOfElements - the maximum number of elements to print.


String toStringAsCdr()


String toStringAsCdr_internal(long index)
Counts cdrs so as not to have runaway lists.


void set_special(boolean value)


boolean specialP()


void adjustSpecialCount(int amount)


int get_specialCount()


void setPackage(LispPackage newPackage)


LispValue abs()
Absolute value of a number.


LispValue append(LispValue otherList)
Append two lists together. The first list is copied.

otherList -


LispValue apply(LispValue args)
Apply a function to an argument list.

args -


LispValue assoc(LispValue index)
Look up a value in an association list.

index -


LispValue atom()
Returns T if the object is an atom.


LispValue bignump()
Returns T if the object is a Bignum.


LispValue boundp()
Returns T if the symbol has been assigned a value.


LispValue butlast()
Returns all but the last of the elements of a list. Butlast is the mirror image of CDR.


LispValue car()
Returns the first element of a list. CAR of NIL is NIL.


LispValue cdr()
Returns all but the first element of a list. CDR of NIL is NIL.


LispValue characterp()
Returns T if the object is a Character.


LispValue clrhash()
Clears a hash table.


LispValue concatenate(LispValue value)
Concatenate a string to another string. Passing in any LispValue causes it to be converted to a string and concatenated to the end. This returns a new LispString.


LispValue consp()
Returns T if the object is a CONS cell. This is equivalent to asking whether it has a CAR and a CDR and is not NIL.


LispValue constantp()
Returns T if the object is a constant.


LispValue copy_list()
Returns a copy of the top level of a list. Does not copy the interior branches.


LispValue copy()
Returns a full copy of any list, tree, array or table, copying all the leaf elements. Atoms like symbols, and numbers are not copied. In Java, a string is not mutable so strings are also not copied.


LispValue degreesToRadians()
Converts a numeric value from degrees to radians.

The value in radians.


LispValue eighth()
Returns the 8th element of a list. If the list is shorter than 8 elements, returns NIL.


LispValue elt(LispValue index)
Returns the nth element of a list. The zeroth element is the first element.

index -


LispValue eq(LispValue val)
Returns T if the argument is exactly identical to the object. That is, it must be exactly the same memory reference.


LispValue eql(LispValue val)
Returns T if the argument is EQ to the object or if the arguments and object are numbers with equal values.


LispValue equal(LispValue val)
Returns T if the argument is EQL or if two strings are STRING= or if two trees have EQUAL subtrees.


LispValue factorial()
Compute the factorial of a non-negative integer. Reals are truncated to the nearest integer.


LispValue fboundp()
Returns T if the symbol has an assigned function.


LispValue floatp()
Returns T if the object is a floating-point number.


LispValue fifth()
Returns the fifth element of a list, or NIL if the list is shorter than 5 elements.


LispValue first()
Returns the first element of a list. Identical to the CAR function.


LispValue fourth()
Returns the 4th element of a list, or NIL if the list is shorter than 4 elements.


LispValue funcall(LispValue args)
Calls a functio non a list of arguments.


LispValue gethash(LispValue key)
Retrieves values from a hash table.


LispValue gethash(LispValue key,
                  LispValue defawlt)
Retrieves values from a hash table, returning a default value if the key is not in the table.


LispValue setf_gethash(LispValue key,
                       LispValue value)
Sets a value in a hash table.


LispValue hashtablep()
Returns T if the object is a floating-point number.


LispValue hash_table_count()
Returns the number of items in the hash table.


LispValue hash_table_size()
Returns the total size of the hash table, including empty slots.


LispValue hash_table_rehash_size()
Returns a floating-point number that indicates how large the hash table will be after rehashing, as a percentage of the current size.


LispValue hash_table_rehash_threshold()
Returns a floating-point number that indicates how full the table gets before it will expand and rehash its contents.


LispValue hash_table_test()
Returns the function used when comparing keys in the hash table. Default is EQL.


LispValue integerp()
Returns T if the object is an Integer.


LispValue keywordp()
Returns T if the object is a keyword.


LispValue last()
Returns the last cons cell in a list. LAST of NIL is NIL.


LispValue length()
Returns the length of a list or string.


LispValue lisp_null()
Returns T if the object is NIL.


LispValue list()
Creates a list from the object. Creates a CONS cell and assigns the original object to the CAR and NIL to the CDR.


LispValue listp()
Returns T if the object is a list. True if it is a CONS cell or NIL.


LispValue member(LispValue elt)
Returns the tail of the list starting at the given element. Uses EQL as the comparator.


LispValue nconc(LispValue arg)
Destructively appends a list to the end of the given list.


LispValue negate()
Return the negative of a number.


LispValue neql(LispValue val)
Not in the LISP standard, but useful so we don't have to compose (NOT (EQL ...)) when creating expressions.


LispValue ninth()
Returns the ninth element of a list, or NIL if the list is shorter than nine elements.


LispValue nreverse()
Destructively reverses the given list. May or may not return the same pointer.


LispValue numberp()
Returns T if the object is any kind of number.


LispValue pop()
Pops a list and returns the first element. NOTE: Because Java's variable values aren't accessible to Jatha, the following doesn't work as expected:
   LispValue l1 = lisp.makeList(A, B);
   l1.pop();   // works correctly, l1 is now (B)
   l1.pop();   // doesn't work correctly.  l1 is now (NIL . NIL)
Jatha can't reassign l1 as expected.

However, the following does work:

   LispValue l1 = new LispSymbol(lisp, "L1");
   l1.setq(lisp.makeList(A, B));
   l1.pop();  // works correctly.  The value of L1 is now (B).
   l1.pop();  // works correctly.  The value of L1 is now NIL.
   l1.push(A); // works correctly.  The value of L1 is now (A).
   assert(l1.symbol_value().equal(lisp.makeList(A)) == lisp.T);

the first element of the list


LispValue position(LispValue element)
Returns the index of an element in a sequence. Currently works for lists and strings. Comparison is by EQL for lists and CHAR= for lists. Returns NIL if the element is not found in the sequence.


LispValue prin1()
Prints the value to standard output with *print-escape* bound to T. It will print escape characters in order to make the input readable by a computer.


LispValue princ()
Prints the output so that it is readable to a person.


LispValue print()
Prints using prin1, except the output is preceded by a newline and terminated by a space.


LispValue push(LispValue value)
Pushes an element onto a list and returns the list. NOTE: Because Java's variable values aren't accessible to Jatha, the following doesn't work as expected:
   LispValue l1 = LispValue.NIL;
   l1.push(A); // doesn't work correctly.  l1 is still NIL.
   l1 = l1.push(A);  // works correctly.
Jatha can't reassign l1 as expected.

However, the following does work:

   LispValue l1 = new LispSymbol("L1");
   l1.push(B); // works correctly.  The value of L1 is now (B).
   l1.push(A); // works correctly.  The value of L1 is now (A B).
   assert(l1.symbol_value().equal(LispValueFactory.makeList(A, B)) == LispValue.T);

the new list.


LispValue rassoc(LispValue index)
Like ASSOC except it matches the CDR of the cell instead of the CAR.


LispValue readFromString()
Reads a value from the given string.

a LispValue as read by the LISP Reader


LispValue reciprocal()
Computes 1/x of the given number. Only valid for numbers.

a LispReal


LispValue remhash(LispValue key)
Removes an element from a hash table.


LispValue remove(LispValue elt)
Returns a copy of a list without all copies of the given element.


LispValue rest()
Synonym for CDR.


LispValue reverse()
Returns the reversed value of a list.


LispValue rplaca(LispValue newCar)
Replaces the CAR of a CONS cell.


LispValue rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
Replaces the CDR of a CONS cell.


LispValue second()
Returns the second element of a list or NIL if the list is shorter than two elements.


LispValue setf_symbol_function(LispValue newFunction)
Sets the function of a symbol.


LispValue setf_symbol_plist(LispValue newPlist)
Sets the property list of a symbol.


LispValue setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
Sets the value of a symbol.


LispValue setq(LispValue newValue)
Assigns a value to a symbol.


LispValue seventh()
Returns the seventh element of a list or NIL if the list is shorter than seven elements.


LispValue sixth()
Returns the sixth element of a list or NIL if the list is shorter than six elements.


LispValue string()
Converts a String, Symbol or Character to a string.


LispValue stringp()
Returns T if the object is a string.


LispValue stringUpcase()
Converts all the characters to upper case.


LispValue stringDowncase()
Converts all of the characters to lower case.


LispValue stringCapitalize()
Capitalizes the first character of a string and converts the remaining characters to lower case.


LispValue nstringUpcase()
For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringUpcase.


LispValue nstringDowncase()
For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringDowncase.


LispValue nstringCapitalize()
For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringCapitalize.


LispValue stringEqual(LispValue arg)
Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object. Character comparison is case-insensitive. STRING-EQUAL.


LispValue stringEq(LispValue arg)
Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object. Character comparison is case-sensitive. This is the LISP string= function.


LispValue stringNeq(LispValue arg)
Returns T if the argument is not STRING= the given string.


LispValue stringLessThan(LispValue arg)
This is the LISP string< function. Case-sensitive comparison for ordering.


LispValue stringLessP(LispValue arg)
This is the LISP string-lessp function. Case-insensitive comparison for ordering.


LispValue stringGreaterThan(LispValue arg)
This is the LISP string> function. Case-sensitive comparison for ordering.


LispValue stringGreaterP(LispValue arg)
This is the LISP string-greaterp function. Case-insensitive comparison for ordering.


LispValue stringLessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
This is the LISP string<= function. Case-sensitive comparison for ordering.


LispValue stringGreaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
This is the LISP string>= function. Case-sensitive comparison for ordering.


LispValue stringNotLessP(LispValue arg)
This is the LISP string-not-lessp function. Case-insensitive comparison for ordering.


LispValue stringNotGreaterP(LispValue arg)
This is the LISP string-not-greaterp function. Case-insensitive comparison for ordering.


LispValue stringEndsWith(LispValue arg)
Not in Common LISP, but useful. This is case-sensitive.


LispValue stringStartsWith(LispValue arg)
Not in Common LISP, but useful. This is case-sensitive.


LispValue stringTrim()
Trims the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.


LispValue stringTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
Trims the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.


LispValue stringLeftTrim()
Trims the left end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.


LispValue stringLeftTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
Trims the left end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.


LispValue stringRightTrim()
Trims the right end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.


LispValue stringRightTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
Trims the right end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.


LispValue subst(LispValue newValue,
                LispValue oldValue)
Replaces all oldValues in a tree with newValue. The default test is EQL.


LispValue substring(LispValue start)
Returns the substring of a string starting with the nth element. Substring(0) returns a copy of the string.


LispValue substring(LispValue start,
                    LispValue end)
Returns the substring of a string starting with the start element and ending just before the end element. Substring(3,5) returns a two-character string.


LispValue symbolp()
Returns T if the object is a symbol.


LispValue symbol_function()
                          throws LispException
Returns the function assigned to a symbol.



LispValue symbol_name()
Returns a string containing the name of a symbol.


LispValue symbol_package()
Returns the package of a symbol.


LispValue symbol_plist()
Returns the property list of a symbol.


LispValue symbol_value()
                       throws LispException
Returns the value of a symbol.



LispValue tenth()
Returns the tenth element of a list or NIL if the list is less than ten elements long.


LispValue third()
Returns the third element of a list or NIL if the list is less than three elements long.


LispValue radiansToDegrees()
Converts a numeric value from radians to degrees.

The value in degrees.


LispValue type_of()


LispValue typep(LispValue type)


LispValue zerop()


LispValue add(LispValue args)
Returns the sum of the object and the object(s) in the argument list. This is the + function in LISP.


LispValue divide(LispValue args)
Returns the quotient of the object and the object(s) in the argument list. This is the / function in LISP.


LispValue multiply(LispValue args)
Returns the product of the object and the object(s) in the argument list. This is the * function in LISP.


LispValue subtract(LispValue args)
Returns the difference of the object and the object(s) in the argument list. This is the - function in LISP.


LispValue greaterThan(LispValue arg)
Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly decreasing order.


LispValue greaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in non-increasing order.


LispValue lessThan(LispValue arg)
Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly increasing order.


LispValue lessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly non-decreasing order.


LispValue equalNumeric(LispValue arg)
Returns T if the object is EQUAL to its argument.


LispValue max(LispValue args)
Returns the maximum element of a list of numbers.


LispValue min(LispValue args)
Returns the minimum element of a list of numbers.


LispValue acos()
Arccos function. Argument in radians. Also called Inverse Cosine, this is the angle whose cosine is the argument.


LispValue asin()
Arcsin function. Argument in radians. Also called Inverse Sine, this is the angle whose sine is the argument.


LispValue atan()
Arctan function. Argument in radians. Also called Inverse Tangent, this is the angle whose tangent is the argument.


LispValue atan2(LispValue x)
Arctan function. Argument in radians. Also called Inverse Tangent, this is the angle whose tangent is y/x, where y is the first argument and x is the second argument.


LispValue cos()
Cosine function, argument in radians.


LispValue csc()
Cosecant function, 1/sin(x), argument in radians.


LispValue cot()
Cotangent function, 1/tan(x), argument in radians.


LispValue sec()
Secant function, 1/cos(x), argument in radians.


LispValue sin()
Sine trigonometric function, argument is in radians.


LispValue sqrt()
Square root, accepts negative numbers.


LispValue tan()
Tangent trigonometric function, argument is in radians.


LispValue ceiling()
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the input number.


LispValue floor()
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the input number.


LispValue elt(int index)


LispValue functionp()


LispValue documentation(LispValue type)
Returns the documentation string for this symbol, of the type specified. The type may be any symbol, but the most common ones are:

type - a symbol
a LispString or NIL


LispValue setf_documentation(LispValue type,
                             LispValue value)
Sets the documentation string for this symbol of the type specified. The type may be any symbol, but the most common ones are:

type - a symbol
value - a lispstring


boolean uses(LispValue pkg)
Returns true if this package uses the given package

Jatha Software