Jatha Software

Class SECDop

  extended by org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispValue
      extended by org.jatha.compile.LispPrimitive
          extended by org.jatha.machine.SECDop
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable, LispValue
Direct Known Subclasses:
opAP, opBLK, opDAP, opDUM, opJOIN, opLD, opLD_GLOBAL, opLDC, opLDF, opLDFC, opLDR, opLIS, opNIL, opRAP, opRTN, opRTN_IF, opRTN_IT, opSEL, opSP_BIND, opSP_UNBIND, opSTOP, opT, opTAG_B, opTAG_E, opTEST

public abstract class SECDop
extends LispPrimitive

SECDop is the abstract class that encompasses all SECD machine ops.

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jatha.compile.LispPrimitive
functionName, functionNameSymbol, inlineP, maxNumberOfArgs, minNumberOfArgs
Fields inherited from class org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispValue
Constructor Summary
SECDop(Jatha lisp, String opName)
Method Summary
 LispValue getComponentAt(LispValue ij_indexes, LispValue valueList)
 LispValue loc(long y, LispValue z)
 void setComponentAt(LispValue ij_indexes, LispValue valueList, LispValue newValue)
 void setLoc(long y, LispValue values, LispValue newValue)
          Sets the nth position in the list to the new value.
 String toString()
          The output of this function is printed when the instruction needs to be printed.
Methods inherited from class org.jatha.compile.LispPrimitive
basic_functionp, CompileArgs, CompileArgs, Execute, grindef, indent, internal_prin1, internal_princ, internal_print, LispFunctionNameString, LispFunctionNameSymbol, parameterCountString, printCode, printCode, validArgumentList
Methods inherited from class org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispValue
abs, acos, add, adjustSpecialCount, append, apply, apropos_print, asin, assoc, atan, atan2, atom, basic_atom, basic_bignump, basic_consp, basic_constantp, basic_floatp, basic_foreignp, basic_integerp, basic_keywordp, basic_length, basic_listp, basic_macrop, basic_null, basic_numberp, basic_stringp, basic_symbolp, bignump, boundp, butlast, car, cdr, ceiling, characterp, clrhash, compareTo, concatenate, consp, constantp, contains, copy_list, copy, cos, cot, csc, degreesToRadians, divide, documentation, eighth, elt, elt, eq, eql, equal, equalNumeric, factorial, fboundp, fifth, first, floatp, floor, fourth, funcall, functionp, get_specialCount, gethash, gethash, getLisp, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, hash_table_count, hash_table_rehash_size, hash_table_rehash_threshold, hash_table_size, hash_table_test, hashtablep, integerp, internal_getName, internal_prin1_as_cdr, internal_princ_as_cdr, internal_print_as_cdr, iterator, keywordp, last, length, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, lisp_null, list, listp, max, member, min, multiply, nconc, negate, neql, ninth, nreverse, nstringCapitalize, nstringDowncase, nstringUpcase, numberp, pop, position, prin1, princ, print, push, radiansToDegrees, rassoc, readFromString, reciprocal, remhash, remove, rest, reverse, rplaca, rplacd, sec, second, set_special, setf_documentation, setf_gethash, setf_symbol_function, setf_symbol_plist, setf_symbol_value, setLisp, setPackage, setq, seventh, showStackTrace, sin, sixth, specialP, sqrt, string, stringCapitalize, stringDowncase, stringEndsWith, stringEq, stringEqual, stringGreaterP, stringGreaterThan, stringGreaterThanOrEqual, stringLeftTrim, stringLeftTrim, stringLessP, stringLessThan, stringLessThanOrEqual, stringNeq, stringNotGreaterP, stringNotLessP, stringp, stringRightTrim, stringRightTrim, stringStartsWith, stringTrim, stringTrim, stringUpcase, subst, substring, substring, subtract, symbol_function, symbol_name, symbol_package, symbol_plist, symbol_value, symbolp, tan, tenth, third, toCollection, toJava, toJava, toString, toStringAsCdr_internal, toStringAsCdr, toStringShort, toStringShort, toStringSimple, type_of, typep, uses, zerop
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SECDop(Jatha lisp,
              String opName)
See Also:
Method Detail


public String toString()
The output of this function is printed when the instruction needs to be printed.

Specified by:
toString in interface LispValue
toString in class LispPrimitive
String The value in a string.


public LispValue loc(long y,
                     LispValue z)


public void setLoc(long y,
                   LispValue values,
                   LispValue newValue)
Sets the nth position in the list to the new value.

y - an index into the list
values - a list of values
newValue - the new value for the index.


public LispValue getComponentAt(LispValue ij_indexes,
                                LispValue valueList)


public void setComponentAt(LispValue ij_indexes,
                           LispValue valueList,
                           LispValue newValue)

Jatha Software