Jatha Software

Class opSEL

  extended by org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispValue
      extended by org.jatha.compile.LispPrimitive
          extended by org.jatha.machine.SECDop
              extended by org.jatha.machine.opSEL
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable, LispValue

 class opSEL
extends SECDop

opSEL takes a branch in an IF-ELSE expression. It selects code from the C register and, depending on whether the topmost value in the S register is true or not, places that code on the C register and pushes the remaining C register code onto the D register. Pops the S register.

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jatha.compile.LispPrimitive
functionName, functionNameSymbol, inlineP, maxNumberOfArgs, minNumberOfArgs
Fields inherited from class org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispValue
Constructor Summary
opSEL(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
Method Summary
 void Execute(SECDMachine machine)
          Execute performs the operation using the abstract machine registers.
 LispValue grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
Methods inherited from class org.jatha.machine.SECDop
getComponentAt, loc, setComponentAt, setLoc, toString
Methods inherited from class org.jatha.compile.LispPrimitive
basic_functionp, CompileArgs, CompileArgs, indent, internal_prin1, internal_princ, internal_print, LispFunctionNameString, LispFunctionNameSymbol, parameterCountString, printCode, printCode, validArgumentList
Methods inherited from class org.jatha.dynatype.StandardLispValue
abs, acos, add, adjustSpecialCount, append, apply, apropos_print, asin, assoc, atan, atan2, atom, basic_atom, basic_bignump, basic_consp, basic_constantp, basic_floatp, basic_foreignp, basic_integerp, basic_keywordp, basic_length, basic_listp, basic_macrop, basic_null, basic_numberp, basic_stringp, basic_symbolp, bignump, boundp, butlast, car, cdr, ceiling, characterp, clrhash, compareTo, concatenate, consp, constantp, contains, copy_list, copy, cos, cot, csc, degreesToRadians, divide, documentation, eighth, elt, elt, eq, eql, equal, equalNumeric, factorial, fboundp, fifth, first, floatp, floor, fourth, funcall, functionp, get_specialCount, gethash, gethash, getLisp, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, hash_table_count, hash_table_rehash_size, hash_table_rehash_threshold, hash_table_size, hash_table_test, hashtablep, integerp, internal_getName, internal_prin1_as_cdr, internal_princ_as_cdr, internal_print_as_cdr, iterator, keywordp, last, length, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, lisp_null, list, listp, max, member, min, multiply, nconc, negate, neql, ninth, nreverse, nstringCapitalize, nstringDowncase, nstringUpcase, numberp, pop, position, prin1, princ, print, push, radiansToDegrees, rassoc, readFromString, reciprocal, remhash, remove, rest, reverse, rplaca, rplacd, sec, second, set_special, setf_documentation, setf_gethash, setf_symbol_function, setf_symbol_plist, setf_symbol_value, setLisp, setPackage, setq, seventh, showStackTrace, sin, sixth, specialP, sqrt, string, stringCapitalize, stringDowncase, stringEndsWith, stringEq, stringEqual, stringGreaterP, stringGreaterThan, stringGreaterThanOrEqual, stringLeftTrim, stringLeftTrim, stringLessP, stringLessThan, stringLessThanOrEqual, stringNeq, stringNotGreaterP, stringNotLessP, stringp, stringRightTrim, stringRightTrim, stringStartsWith, stringTrim, stringTrim, stringUpcase, subst, substring, substring, subtract, symbol_function, symbol_name, symbol_package, symbol_plist, symbol_value, symbolp, tan, tenth, third, toCollection, toJava, toJava, toString, toStringAsCdr_internal, toStringAsCdr, toStringShort, toStringShort, toStringSimple, type_of, typep, uses, zerop
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public opSEL(Jatha lisp)
It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.

See Also:
Method Detail


public void Execute(SECDMachine machine)
Description copied from class: LispPrimitive
Execute performs the operation using the abstract machine registers. Arguments are found on the S register stack, in reverse order. UNLIMITED argument lists are collected into a list which is the top element on the stack. The implementation should pop an appropriate number of arguments from the stack, perform a computation, then push a result back on the S stack. The instruction should then be popped from the C (code) register. A LispValueFactory objects is available in the static variable LispValueFactory. Example implementations:
   class FirstPrimitive extends LispPrimitive
     public First()
       super("FIRST", 1);   // 1 argument

     public void Execute(SECDMachine machine)
       LispValue arg = machine.S.pop();

A multi-argument function must pop the arguments in reverse order.
     public void Execute(SECDMachine machine)
       LispValue arg2 = machine.S.pop();
       LispValue arg1 = machine.S.pop();

       machine.S.push(my_new_function(arg1, arg2));
To register the new primitive, call:
    Jatha.COMPILER.Register(new FirstPrimitive());

Specified by:
Execute in class LispPrimitive
machine - The abstract machine instance.
See Also:


public LispValue grindef(LispValue code,
                         int indentAmount)
grindef in class LispPrimitive

Jatha Software