Jatha Software

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LispValue

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha

Fields in org.jatha declared as LispValue
 LispValue Jatha.APPEND
 LispValue Jatha.ARRAY_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.ATOM_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.BACKQUOTE
 LispValue Jatha.BIGNUM_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.BOOLEAN_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.COLON
 LispValue Jatha.COMMA_ATSIGN_FN
 LispValue Jatha.COMMA_DOT_FN
 LispValue Jatha.COMMA_FN
 LispValue Jatha.COMPLEX_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.CONS
 LispValue Jatha.CONS_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.DOT
 LispValue Jatha.E
 LispValue Jatha.FLOAT_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.FUNCTION_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.INTEGER_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.LIST
(package private)  LispValue Jatha.LOAD_VERBOSE
 LispValue Jatha.MACRO_TYPE
(package private)  LispValue Jatha.MAX_LIST_LENGTH
 LispValue Jatha.NEWLINE
 LispValue Jatha.NULL_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.NUMBER_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.ONE
 LispValue Jatha.PACKAGE_TYPE
(package private)  LispValue Jatha.packages
 LispValue Jatha.PATHNAME_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.PI
(package private)  LispValue Jatha.prompt
 LispValue Jatha.QUOTE
 LispValue Jatha.REAL_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.SPACE
(package private)  LispValue Jatha.STAR
(package private)  LispValue Jatha.STARSTAR
(package private)  LispValue Jatha.STARSTARSTAR
 LispValue Jatha.STREAM_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.STRING
 LispValue Jatha.STRING_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.SYMBOL_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.T
 LispValue Jatha.TWO
(package private)  LispValue Jatha.userPrompt
 LispValue Jatha.VECTOR_TYPE
 LispValue Jatha.ZERO

Methods in org.jatha that return LispValue
 LispValue Jatha.allPackages()
 LispValue Jatha.apropos(LispValue str, LispValue pkg)
          Prints out all symbols in the given package, or in all packages (if pkg is NIL) that match the given string.
 LispValue Jatha.backquote(LispValue expr)
          This is used to expand a macro
 LispValue Jatha.combineExprs(LispValue left, LispValue right, LispValue expr)
          This is used by f-backquote when expanding a macro.
 LispValue Jatha.eval(LispValue inValue)
          Standard LISP eval function.
 LispValue Jatha.eval(LispValue inValue, LispValue vars)
          Standard LISP eval function.
 LispValue Jatha.eval(String expr)
          Evaluates a LISP expression in a Java string, such as "(* 5 7)".
 LispValue Jatha.findPackage(LispValue packageName)
          Looks up the package on the packages list.
 LispValue Jatha.findPackage(String packageNameStr)
 LispValue Jatha.load(LispValue filenameVal)
          Loads a file.
 LispValue Jatha.load(Reader in)
          Loads the contents of a Reader (stream).
 LispValue Jatha.load(Reader in, boolean verbose)
          Loads the contents of a Reader (stream).
 LispValue Jatha.load(String string)
          Creates a reader from the input string and passes it to load(Reader).
 LispValue Jatha.load(String string, boolean verbose)
          Creates a reader from the input string and passes it to load(Reader).
 LispValue Jatha.loadFromJar(LispValue filename)
          Loads a file from the container holding this class.
 LispValue Jatha.loadFromJar(LispValue filename, LispValue jarFile)
          Loads a file from the container holding this class.
 LispValue Jatha.loadFromJar(String filename)
          Loads a file from the container holding this class.
 LispValue Jatha.loadFromJar(String filename, String jarFileString)
          Loads a file from the container holding this class.
 LispValue Jatha.makePackage(LispValue name, LispValue nickNames, LispValue use)
          Creates a package and returns it.
 LispValue Jatha.parse(String s)
          Parses a string and returns the first form in the string.
 LispValue Jatha.parse(String s, int caseSensitivity)
          Parses a string and returns the first form in the string.
private  LispValue Jatha.parseVarNames_new(LispValue vars)
          Not sure why parseVarNames has such a complicated structure.
private  LispValue Jatha.parseVarNames(LispValue vars)
          Expects a list with this format (((A 13) (C 7))((X "Zeta"))) and returns a list with this format ((A C)(X))
private  LispValue Jatha.parseVarValues_new(LispValue vars)
          Not sure why parseVarNames has such a complicated structure.
private  LispValue Jatha.parseVarValues(LispValue vars)
          Expects a list with this format (((A 13) (C 7))((X "Zeta"))) and returns a list with this format ((13 7)("Zeta"))
 LispValue Jatha.toLisp(Object obj)
          Turns a Java object into a LISP object.

Methods in org.jatha with parameters of type LispValue
 LispValue Jatha.apropos(LispValue str, LispValue pkg)
          Prints out all symbols in the given package, or in all packages (if pkg is NIL) that match the given string.
 LispValue Jatha.backquote(LispValue expr)
          This is used to expand a macro
 LispValue Jatha.combineExprs(LispValue left, LispValue right, LispValue expr)
          This is used by f-backquote when expanding a macro.
 LispPackage Jatha.defpackage(LispValue args)
          This is not yet implemented.
 LispValue Jatha.eval(LispValue inValue)
          Standard LISP eval function.
 LispValue Jatha.eval(LispValue inValue, LispValue vars)
          Standard LISP eval function.
 LispValue Jatha.findPackage(LispValue packageName)
          Looks up the package on the packages list.
 boolean Jatha.isType(LispValue object)
          This is used in apropos_print on StandardLispSymbol.
 LispValue Jatha.load(LispValue filenameVal)
          Loads a file.
 LispValue Jatha.loadFromJar(LispValue filename)
          Loads a file from the container holding this class.
 LispValue Jatha.loadFromJar(LispValue filename, LispValue jarFile)
          Loads a file from the container holding this class.
 LispCons Jatha.makeCons(LispValue theCar, LispValue theCdr)
          makeCons(a,b) creates a new Cons cell, initialized with the values a and b as the CAR and CDR respectively.
 LispConsOrNil Jatha.makeList(LispValue... parts)
          This is a Java 5-compatible version of makeList that accepts any number of arguments.
 LispValue Jatha.makePackage(LispValue name, LispValue nickNames, LispValue use)
          Creates a package and returns it.
private  LispValue Jatha.parseVarNames_new(LispValue vars)
          Not sure why parseVarNames has such a complicated structure.
private  LispValue Jatha.parseVarNames(LispValue vars)
          Expects a list with this format (((A 13) (C 7))((X "Zeta"))) and returns a list with this format ((A C)(X))
private  LispValue Jatha.parseVarValues_new(LispValue vars)
          Not sure why parseVarNames has such a complicated structure.
private  LispValue Jatha.parseVarValues(LispValue vars)
          Expects a list with this format (((A 13) (C 7))((X "Zeta"))) and returns a list with this format ((13 7)("Zeta"))

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha.compile

Classes in org.jatha.compile that implement LispValue
 class AbsoluteValuePrimitive
 class AddOnePrimitive
 class AddPrimitive
 class AppendPrimitive
 class ApplyPrimitive
          (APPLY fn args...)
 class AproposPrimitive
 class ArcCosinePrimitive
 class ArcSinePrimitive
 class ArcTangent2Primitive
 class ArcTangentPrimitive
 class AssocPrimitive
 class AtomPrimitive
 class BackquotePrimitive
          Processes a backquote, especially useful during macro expansion.
 class BlockPrimitive
          The Block primitive
 class BoundpPrimitive
 class ButlastPrimitive
 class CarPrimitive
 class CdrPrimitive
 class CeilingPrimitive
 class CharacterpPrimitive
 class ClrhashPrimitive
 class ConcatenatePrimitive
 class ConspPrimitive
 class ConsPrimitive
 class ConstantpPrimitive
 class CopyListPrimitive
 class CosecantPrimitive
 class CosinePrimitive
 class CotangentPrimitive
 class DefconstantPrimitive
 class DefparameterPrimitive
 class DefvarPrimitive
 class DegreesToRadiansPrimitive
 class DividePrimitive
 class DocumentationPrimitive
          Gets the documentation for the object.
 class EighthPrimitive
 class EltPrimitive
 class EqlPrimitive
 class EqPrimitive
 class EqualNumericPrimitive
 class EvalPrimitive
 class ExitPrimitive
 class ExportPrimitive
          Exports symbols from a package, which means that you can refer to the symbols from other packages
 class FactorialPrimitive
          This opcode executes the Factorial function.
 class FboundpPrimitive
 class FifthPrimitive
 class FindPackagePrimitive
 class FirstPrimitive
 class FloatpPrimitive
 class FloorPrimitive
 class FourthPrimitive
 class FreePrimitive
 class FuncallPrimitive
 class FunctionPrimitive
          This is the class that encapsulates the action and compilation of the FUNCTION function.
 class GcFullPrimitive
 class GcPrimitive
 class GethashPrimitive
 class GoPrimitive
          Implements the GO primitive
 class GreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive
 class GreaterThanPrimitive
 class GrindefPrimitive
 class HashtableCountPrimitive
 class HashtablepPrimitive
 class HashtableRehashSizePrimitive
 class HashtableRehashThresholdPrimitive
 class HashtableSizePrimitive
 class HashtableTestPrimitive
 class ImportPrimitive
          Imports symbols into a package, which means that you can refer to the symbols within the package without colon-syntax
 class IntegerpPrimitive
 class InternPrimitive
 class KeywordpPrimitive
 class LastPrimitive
 class LengthPrimitive
 class LessThanOrEqualPrimitive
 class LessThanPrimitive
 class LispPrimitive
          The LispPrimitive class makes the transition from LISP code to Java code.
 class ListAllPackagesPrimitive
 class ListpPrimitive
 class ListPrimitive
 class ListStarPrimitive
 class LoadFromJarPrimitive
          Implements load-from-container.
 class LoadPrimitive
 class Macroexpand1Primitive
          Returns the expansion of the form named.
 class MacroexpandPrimitive
          Returns the expansion of the form named.
 class MakeHashTablePrimitive
 class MakepackagePrimitive
          Creates a package with the associated information if no such package exists.
 class MaxPrimitive
 class MemberPrimitive
 class MinPrimitive
 class MultiplyPrimitive
 class NconcPrimitive
 class NinthPrimitive
 class NotPrimitive
 class NreversePrimitive
 class NStringCapitalizePrimitive
 class NStringDowncasePrimitive
 class NStringUpcasePrimitive
 class NullPrimitive
 class NumberpPrimitive
 class PackageNamePrimitive
          Fetches the name of the specified package.
 class PackageNicknamesPrimitive
          Fetches a list of the package nicknames.
 class PackageUseListPrimitive
          Fetches a list of the packages that the specified package uses.
 class PopPrimitive
 class PositionPrimitive
 class Prin1Primitive
 class PrincPrimitive
 class PrintPrimitive
 class PushPrimitive
 class QuotePrimitive
 class RadiansToDegreesPrimitive
 class RassocPrimitive
 class ReadFromStringPrimitive
 class ReciprocalPrimitive
          This opcode executes the Reciprocal (1/x) function.
 class RemhashPrimitive
 class RemovePrimitive
 class RestPrimitive
 class ReturnFromPrimitive
          The RETURN-FROM special form.
 class ReversePrimitive
 class RplacaPrimitive
 class RplacdPrimitive
 class SecantPrimitive
 class SecondPrimitive
 class SetfDocumentationPrimitive
          Sets the documentation for the symbol specified.
 class SetfGethashPrimitive
 class SetfSymbolFunctionPrimitive
 class SetfSymbolPlistPrimitive
 class SetfSymbolValuePrimitive
 class SetPrimitive
 class SetqPrimitive
 class SeventhPrimitive
 class ShadowingImportPrimitive
          This is like import, but it does not signal an error if the import would shadow some symbol in the package.
 class ShadowPrimitive
          The print name of each symbol in symbols will be extracted and put in as a new symbol in the package, with shadowing on
 class SinePrimitive
 class SixthPrimitive
 class SquareRootPrimitive
 class StringCapitalizePrimitive
 class StringDowncasePrimitive
 class StringEndsWithPrimitive
 class StringEqPrimitive
 class StringEqualPrimitive
 class StringGreaterpPrimitive
 class StringGreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive
 class StringGreaterThanPrimitive
 class StringLeftTrimPrimitive
 class StringLesspPrimitive
 class StringLessThanOrEqualPrimitive
 class StringLessThanPrimitive
 class StringNeqPrimitive
 class StringNotGreaterpPrimitive
 class StringNotLesspPrimitive
 class StringpPrimitive
 class StringPrimitive
 class StringRightTrimPrimitive
 class StringStartsWithPrimitive
 class StringTrimPrimitive
 class StringUpcasePrimitive
 class SubstPrimitive
 class SubtractOnePrimitive
 class SubtractPrimitive
 class SymbolFunctionPrimitive
 class SymbolNamePrimitive
 class SymbolPackagePrimitive
 class SymbolPlistPrimitive
 class SymbolpPrimitive
 class SymbolValuePrimitive
 class TagbodyPrimitive
          The TAGBODY special form.
 class TangentPrimitive
 class TenthPrimitive
 class ThirdPrimitive
 class TimePrimitive
 class TracePrimitive
 class TypeOfPrimitive
 class UsePackagePrimitive
          Adds new packages to use for a package.
 class ZeropPrimitive

Fields in org.jatha.compile declared as LispValue
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.AMP_REST
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.AND
(package private)  LispValue ListStarPrimitive.CONS
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.DEFMACRO
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.DEFUN
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.DUMMY_FUNCTION
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.DUMMY_MACRO
protected  LispValue LispPrimitive.functionNameSymbol
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.IF
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.LAMBDA
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.LET
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.LETREC
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.MACRO
private  LispValue MakepackagePrimitive.nckKey
private  LispValue MakepackagePrimitive.nckSym
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.OR
private  LispValue ShadowPrimitive.packageSym
private  LispValue ShadowingImportPrimitive.packageSym
private  LispValue ImportPrimitive.packageSym
private  LispValue ExportPrimitive.packageSym
private  LispValue MakepackagePrimitive.pckSym
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.PRIMITIVE
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.PROGN
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.QUOTE
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.SETQ
private  LispValue ShadowPrimitive.symbolsSym
private  LispValue ShadowingImportPrimitive.symbolsSym
private  LispValue ImportPrimitive.symbolsSym
private  LispValue ExportPrimitive.symbolsSym
private  LispValue MakepackagePrimitive.useKey
private  LispValue MakepackagePrimitive.useSym

Methods in org.jatha.compile that return LispValue
(package private)  LispValue AppendPrimitive.appendArgs(LispValue args)
(package private)  LispValue LispPrimitive.BuiltinFunctionCode(LispValue fn)
 LispValue LispCompiler.compile(LispValue expr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
          compile takes a LISP expression, a list of global variables, and optionally an already-generated list of code.
 LispValue LispCompiler.compile(SECDMachine machine, LispValue expr, LispValue varValues)
          compile takes a LISP expression, a list of global variables, and optionally an already-generated list of code.
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileAnd(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileAndAux(LispValue dummyVar, LispValue args)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileApp(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileAppConstant(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue UsePackagePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue TagbodyPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue SubtractPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ShadowPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ShadowingImportPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue SetqPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ReturnFromPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue QuotePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue PushPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue PopPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue NconcPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue MultiplyPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue MinPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue MaxPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue MakepackagePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LoadFromJarPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ListStarPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ListPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
          The CompileArgs method turns the arguments of the function call into SECD abstract machine code.
 LispValue LessThanPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LessThanOrEqualPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue InternPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ImportPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue GreaterThanPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue GreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue GoPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue GethashPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue FunctionPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
          The argument is not evaluated.
 LispValue FuncallPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ExportPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue EqualNumericPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue DividePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue DefvarPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue DefparameterPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue DefconstantPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ConcatenatePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue BlockPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue AproposPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ApplyPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue AppendPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue AddPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue function, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispCompiler.compileArgsLeftToRight(LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileAtom(SECDMachine machine, LispValue expr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileBuiltin(SECDMachine machine, LispValue fn, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispCompiler.compileConstantArgsLeftToRight(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileDefmacro(SECDMachine machine, LispValue name, LispValue argsAndBody, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileDefun(SECDMachine machine, LispValue name, LispValue argsAndBody, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileIf(SECDMachine machine, LispValue test, LispValue thenExpr, LispValue elseExpr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileLambda(SECDMachine machine, LispValue body, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispCompiler.compileLet(SECDMachine machine, LispValue vars, LispValue values, LispValue valueList, LispValue body, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileList(SECDMachine machine, LispValue expr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileOptimizedIf(SECDMachine machine, LispValue test, LispValue thenExpr, LispValue elseExpr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileOr(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileOrAux(LispValue dummyVar, LispValue args)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileProgn(LispValue body, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileSpecialBind(SECDMachine machine, LispValue vars, LispValue values, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileSpecialForm(SECDMachine machine, LispValue function, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileSpecialUnbind(SECDMachine machine, LispValue vars, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileUserDefinedFunction(SECDMachine machine, LispValue fn, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
          FN is an instance of StandardLispFunction
(package private)  LispValue ApplyPrimitive.constructArgList(LispValue args)
private  LispValue MacroexpandPrimitive.expand(LispValue form)
 LispValue LispPrimitive.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue LispCompiler.indexAndAttribute(LispValue e, LispValue l)
          Looks up the symbol in a list of lists.
 LispValue LispPrimitive.LispFunctionNameSymbol()
(package private)  LispValue NconcPrimitive.nconcArgs(LispValue args)
private  LispValue MacroexpandPrimitive.quoteList(LispValue intern)
private  LispValue Macroexpand1Primitive.quoteList(LispValue intern)
 LispValue LispCompiler.quoteList(LispValue l)
          Returns the input list with quotes added before every top-level expression.
 LispValue GoPrimitive.removeUntilTagbody(SECDMachine machine, LispValue input)
 LispValue LispCompiler.valuesFromLetBindings(LispValue varValueList)
 LispValue LispCompiler.varsFromLetBindings(LispValue varValueList)

Methods in org.jatha.compile with parameters of type LispValue
(package private)  LispValue AppendPrimitive.appendArgs(LispValue args)
(package private)  LispValue LispPrimitive.BuiltinFunctionCode(LispValue fn)
 LispValue LispCompiler.compile(LispValue expr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
          compile takes a LISP expression, a list of global variables, and optionally an already-generated list of code.
 LispValue LispCompiler.compile(SECDMachine machine, LispValue expr, LispValue varValues)
          compile takes a LISP expression, a list of global variables, and optionally an already-generated list of code.
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileAnd(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileAndAux(LispValue dummyVar, LispValue args)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileApp(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileAppConstant(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue UsePackagePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue TagbodyPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue SubtractPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ShadowPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ShadowingImportPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue SetqPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ReturnFromPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue QuotePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue PushPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue PopPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue NconcPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue MultiplyPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue MinPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue MaxPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue MakepackagePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LoadFromJarPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ListStarPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ListPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
          The CompileArgs method turns the arguments of the function call into SECD abstract machine code.
 LispValue LessThanPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LessThanOrEqualPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue InternPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ImportPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue GreaterThanPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue GreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue GoPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue GethashPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue FunctionPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
          The argument is not evaluated.
 LispValue FuncallPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ExportPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue EqualNumericPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue DividePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue DefvarPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue DefparameterPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue DefconstantPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ConcatenatePrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue BlockPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue AproposPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue ApplyPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue AppendPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue AddPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispPrimitive.CompileArgs(LispCompiler compiler, SECDMachine machine, LispValue function, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispCompiler.compileArgsLeftToRight(LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileAtom(SECDMachine machine, LispValue expr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileBuiltin(SECDMachine machine, LispValue fn, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispCompiler.compileConstantArgsLeftToRight(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileDefmacro(SECDMachine machine, LispValue name, LispValue argsAndBody, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileDefun(SECDMachine machine, LispValue name, LispValue argsAndBody, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileIf(SECDMachine machine, LispValue test, LispValue thenExpr, LispValue elseExpr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileLambda(SECDMachine machine, LispValue body, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
 LispValue LispCompiler.compileLet(SECDMachine machine, LispValue vars, LispValue values, LispValue valueList, LispValue body, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileList(SECDMachine machine, LispValue expr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileOptimizedIf(SECDMachine machine, LispValue test, LispValue thenExpr, LispValue elseExpr, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileOr(SECDMachine machine, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileOrAux(LispValue dummyVar, LispValue args)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileProgn(LispValue body, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileSpecialBind(SECDMachine machine, LispValue vars, LispValue values, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileSpecialForm(SECDMachine machine, LispValue function, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileSpecialUnbind(SECDMachine machine, LispValue vars, LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue LispCompiler.compileUserDefinedFunction(SECDMachine machine, LispValue fn, LispValue args, LispValue valueList, LispValue code)
          FN is an instance of StandardLispFunction
(package private)  LispValue ApplyPrimitive.constructArgList(LispValue args)
private  LispValue MacroexpandPrimitive.expand(LispValue form)
private  void ReturnFromPrimitive.findBlock(LispValue tag, SECDMachine machine)
 LispValue LispPrimitive.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue LispCompiler.indexAndAttribute(LispValue e, LispValue l)
          Looks up the symbol in a list of lists.
 int LispCompiler.indexInList(LispValue e, LispValue l, LispValue[] attribute)
          Looks up the symbol in a list
 int LispCompiler.indexInList(LispValue e, LispValue l, LispValue[] attribute)
          Looks up the symbol in a list
static boolean LispCompiler.isBuiltinFunction(LispValue code)
          Send in either code or a symbol with a function value.
 boolean LispCompiler.isLegalTag(LispValue tag)
 boolean LispCompiler.isMacroCode(LispValue code)
(package private)  LispValue NconcPrimitive.nconcArgs(LispValue args)
 void LispPrimitive.printCode(LispValue code)
          printCode prints a list of compiled code in a nice manner.
 void LispPrimitive.printCode(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
private  LispValue MacroexpandPrimitive.quoteList(LispValue intern)
private  LispValue Macroexpand1Primitive.quoteList(LispValue intern)
 LispValue LispCompiler.quoteList(LispValue l)
          Returns the input list with quotes added before every top-level expression.
 LispValue GoPrimitive.removeUntilTagbody(SECDMachine machine, LispValue input)
 boolean LispCompiler.specialFormP(LispValue fn)
(package private)  boolean LispPrimitive.validArgumentLength(LispValue numberOfArguments)
          This method returns true if the list of arguments satisfies the length restrictions posed by the function, and false otherwise.
 boolean LispPrimitive.validArgumentList(LispValue args)
          This method returns true if the list of arguments satisfies the length and format restrictions posed by the function, and false otherwise.
 boolean ApplyPrimitive.validArgumentList(LispValue args)
 LispValue LispCompiler.valuesFromLetBindings(LispValue varValueList)
 LispValue LispCompiler.varsFromLetBindings(LispValue varValueList)

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha.display

Fields in org.jatha.display declared as LispValue
(package private)  LispValue Listener.f_listenerColumnsSymbol
(package private)  LispValue Listener.f_listenerInputRowsSymbol
(package private)  LispValue Listener.f_listenerOutputRowsSymbol

Methods in org.jatha.display with parameters of type LispValue
 void LispInput.eval(LispValue input)
          Input should be a LispString.
 void Listener.message(LispValue expr)
 void Listener.message(LispValue expr, boolean showPrompt)

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha.dynatype

Subinterfaces of LispValue in org.jatha.dynatype
 interface LispAtom
          LispAtom defines the ATOM type in Common LISP.
 interface LispBignum
          Defines BigNums - large integers.
 interface LispCharacter
 interface LispComplex
          LispComplex is an abstract class that implements the Common LISP COMPLEX type.
 interface LispCons
 interface LispConsOrNil
          An abstract class for the CONS and NIL data types.
 interface LispConstant
 interface LispForeignObject
 interface LispFunction
          Implements a Common LISP 'function' type that represents a built-in or user-defined function.
 interface LispHashTable
          Implements the Common LISP 'hashtable' type, including all four types: eq, eql, equal, and equalp has tables.
 interface LispInteger
 interface LispJavaObject
 interface LispKeyword
          A keyword is a constant (symbol) which evaluates to itself.
 interface LispMacro
          LispMacro is a data type that represents a LISP Macro definition.
 interface LispNil
 interface LispNumber
          LispNumber is an abstract class that implements the Common LISP NUMBER type.
 interface LispPackage
          An implementation of ANSI Common LISP packages, including defpackage, export, import, etc.
 interface LispReal
 interface LispString
 interface LispSymbol
          LispSymbol implements LISP Symbols, including provisions for special bindings.

Classes in org.jatha.dynatype that implement LispValue
 class LispConsIterator
          An abstract class for the CONS and NIL data types.
 class StandardLispAtom
          LispAtom defines the ATOM type in Common LISP.
 class StandardLispBignum
          Implements BigNums - large integers.
 class StandardLispCharacter
 class StandardLispComplex
          StandardLispComplex represents a Complex number.
 class StandardLispCons
 class StandardLispConsOrNil
          An abstract class for the CONS and NIL data types.
 class StandardLispConstant
 class StandardLispForeignObject
 class StandardLispFunction
          Implements a Common LISP 'function' type which represents built-in or user-defined functions.
 class StandardLispHashTable
          Implements the Common LISP 'hashtable' type, including all four types: eq, eql, equal, and equalp has tables.
 class StandardLispInteger
 class StandardLispJavaObject
 class StandardLispKeyword
          A keyword is a constant (symbol) which evaluates to itself.
 class StandardLispMacro
          Implements a Common LISP 'macro' type which represents user-defined macros.
 class StandardLispNIL
 class StandardLispNumber
          LispNumber is an abstract class that implements the Common LISP NUMBER type.
 class StandardLispPackage
          An implementation of ANSI Common LISP packages, including defpackage, export, import, etc.
 class StandardLispReal
 class StandardLispString
 class StandardLispSymbol
          LispSymbol implements LISP Symbols, including provisions for special bindings.
 class StandardLispValue
          LispValue is the root of all of the dynamically-typed LISP-like structures.

Fields in org.jatha.dynatype declared as LispValue
protected  LispValue StandardLispCons.carCell
protected  LispValue StandardLispCons.cdrCell
(package private)  LispValue StandardLispHashTable.DEFAULT_TYPE
          Default to an EQL hash table.
(package private)  LispValue StandardLispHashTable.EQ
          Use this value to create an EQ hash table.
(package private)  LispValue StandardLispHashTable.EQL
          Use this value to create an EQL hash table.
(package private)  LispValue StandardLispHashTable.EQUAL
          Use this value to create an EQUAL hash table.
(package private)  LispValue StandardLispHashTable.EQUALP
          Use this value to create an EQUALP hash table.
private  LispValue StandardLispFunction.f_code
protected  LispValue StandardLispSymbol.f_function
protected  LispValue StandardLispComplex.f_imaginaryPart
protected  LispValue StandardLispPackage.f_name
          The LISP string giving the name of the package.
protected  LispValue StandardLispPackage.f_nicknames
protected  LispValue StandardLispSymbol.f_plist
protected  LispValue StandardLispComplex.f_realPart
private  LispValue StandardLispFunction.f_symbol
protected  LispValue StandardLispPackage.f_uses
protected  LispValue StandardLispSymbol.f_value
private  LispValue StandardLispNIL.function
protected  LispValue LispConsIterator.m_list
private  LispValue StandardLispNIL.pack
private  LispValue StandardLispNIL.plist
protected  LispValue StandardLispHashTable.rehashSize
protected  LispValue StandardLispHashTable.rehashThreshold
protected  LispValue StandardLispHashTable.size
protected  LispValue StandardLispHashTable.type
private  LispValue StandardLispNIL.value

Methods in org.jatha.dynatype that return LispValue
 LispValue StandardLispValue.abs()
          Returns the absolute value of any number, including complex.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.abs()
          Default implementation of abs.
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.abs()
          Integer implementation of abs.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.abs()
          Bignum implementation of abs.
 LispValue LispValue.abs()
          Absolute value of a number.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.acos()
          Arccos function, argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.acos()
          Arccos function with result in radians.
 LispValue LispValue.acos()
          Arccos function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.add(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.add(LispValue args)
          ADD adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.add(LispValue args)
 LispValue LispValue.add(LispValue args)
          Returns the sum of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.addSymbol(LispString name, LispValue symbol)
          Stores a new symbol in this package.
 LispValue LispPackage.addSymbol(LispString name, LispValue symbol)
          Returns the symbol after it is added to the package.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.append(LispValue otherList)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.append(LispValue otherList)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.append(LispValue otherList)
 LispValue LispValue.append(LispValue otherList)
          Append two lists together.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.apply(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.apply(LispValue args)
 LispValue LispValue.apply(LispValue args)
          Apply a function to an argument list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.asin()
          Arcsin function, argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.asin()
          Arcsin function with result in radians.
 LispValue LispValue.asin()
          Arcsin function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.assoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.assoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.assoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue LispValue.assoc(LispValue index)
          Look up a value in an association list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.atan()
          Arctan function, argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.atan()
          Arctan function with result in radians.
 LispValue LispValue.atan()
          Arctan function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.atan2(LispValue x)
          Arctan function, argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.atan2(LispValue x)
          Two-argument Arctan function with result in radians Also called Inverse Tangent, this is the angle whose tangent is y/x, where y is the first argument and x is the second argument.
 LispValue LispValue.atan2(LispValue x)
          Arctan function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.atom()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.atom()
 LispValue StandardLispAtom.atom()
 LispValue LispValue.atom()
          Returns T if the object is an atom.
 LispValue StandardLispString.basic_elt(int n)
 LispValue LispString.basic_elt(int n)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.bignump()
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.bignump()
 LispValue LispValue.bignump()
          Returns T if the object is a Bignum.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.boundp()
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.boundp()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.boundp()
 LispValue LispValue.boundp()
          Returns T if the symbol has been assigned a value.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.butlast()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.butlast()
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.butlast()
 LispValue LispValue.butlast()
          Returns all but the last of the elements of a list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.car()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.car()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.car()
 LispValue LispValue.car()
          Returns the first element of a list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.cdr()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.cdr()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.cdr()
 LispValue LispValue.cdr()
          Returns all but the first element of a list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.ceiling()
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.ceiling()
          Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the input value.
 LispValue LispValue.ceiling()
          Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the input number.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.characterp()
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.characterp()
 LispValue LispValue.characterp()
          Returns T if the object is a Character.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.clrhash()
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.clrhash()
 LispValue LispValue.clrhash()
          Clears a hash table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.concatenate(LispValue values)
          Concatenate a string or symbol to other strings or symbols.
 LispValue StandardLispString.concatenate(LispValue values)
          Concatenate a string to another string.
 LispValue LispValue.concatenate(LispValue value)
          Concatenate a string to another string.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.consp()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.consp()
 LispValue LispValue.consp()
          Returns T if the object is a CONS cell.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.constantp()
 LispValue StandardLispString.constantp()
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.constantp()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.constantp()
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.constantp()
 LispValue LispValue.constantp()
          Returns T if the object is a constant.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.copy_list()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.copy_list()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.copy_list()
 LispValue LispValue.copy_list()
          Returns a copy of the top level of a list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.copy()
          Returns a full copy of any list, tree, array or table, copying all the leaf elements.
 LispValue StandardLispCons.copy()
          Returns a full copy of any list, tree, array or table, copying all the leaf elements.
 LispValue LispValue.copy()
          Returns a full copy of any list, tree, array or table, copying all the leaf elements.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.cos()
          Cosine function, argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.cos()
          Cosine function, argument in radians.
 LispValue LispValue.cos()
          Cosine function, argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.cot()
          Cotangent function, 1/tan(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.cot()
          Cotangent function, 1/tan(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue LispValue.cot()
          Cotangent function, 1/tan(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.csc()
          Cosecant function, 1/sin(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.csc()
          Cosecant function, 1/sin(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue LispValue.csc()
          Cosecant function, 1/sin(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.degreesToRadians()
          Converts a numeric value from degrees to radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.degreesToRadians()
          Converts a numeric value from degrees to radians.
 LispValue LispValue.degreesToRadians()
          Converts a numeric value from degrees to radians.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.divide(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.divide(LispValue args)
          DIVIDE adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.divide(LispValue args)
          DIVIDE adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue LispValue.divide(LispValue args)
          Returns the quotient of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.documentation(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.documentation(LispValue type)
 LispValue LispValue.documentation(LispValue type)
          Returns the documentation string for this symbol, of the type specified.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.eighth()
 LispValue StandardLispString.eighth()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.eighth()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.eighth()
 LispValue LispValue.eighth()
          Returns the 8th element of a list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.elt(int index)
 LispValue StandardLispString.elt(int index)
 LispValue LispValue.elt(int index)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.elt(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispString.elt(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.elt(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.elt(LispValue index)
 LispValue LispValue.elt(LispValue index)
          Returns the nth element of a list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.eq(LispValue val)
 LispValue LispValue.eq(LispValue val)
          Returns T if the argument is exactly identical to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispString.eql(LispValue other)
 LispValue StandardLispReal.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.eql(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue LispValue.eql(LispValue val)
          Returns T if the argument is EQ to the object or if the arguments and object are numbers with equal values.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispString.equal(LispValue other)
 LispValue StandardLispReal.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.equal(LispValue value)
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue LispValue.equal(LispValue val)
          Returns T if the argument is EQL or if two strings are STRING= or if two trees have EQUAL subtrees.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.equalNumeric(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.equalNumeric(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.equalNumeric(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object is EQUAL to its argument.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.export(LispValue symbols)
          Declares the symbol or symbols as exported symbols.
 LispValue LispPackage.export(LispValue symbols)
          Declares the symbol or symbols as exported symbols.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.factorial()
          Compute the factorial of a non-negative integer.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.factorial()
          Compute the factorial of a non-negative integer.
 LispValue LispValue.factorial()
          Compute the factorial of a non-negative integer.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.fboundp()
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.fboundp()
 LispValue LispValue.fboundp()
          Returns T if the symbol has an assigned function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.fifth()
 LispValue StandardLispString.fifth()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.fifth()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.fifth()
 LispValue LispValue.fifth()
          Returns the fifth element of a list, or NIL if the list is shorter than 5 elements.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.first()
 LispValue StandardLispString.first()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.first()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.first()
 LispValue LispValue.first()
          Returns the first element of a list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.floatp()
 LispValue StandardLispReal.floatp()
 LispValue LispValue.floatp()
          Returns T if the object is a floating-point number.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.floor()
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.floor()
          Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the input value.
 LispValue LispValue.floor()
          Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the input number.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.fourth()
 LispValue StandardLispString.fourth()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.fourth()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.fourth()
 LispValue LispValue.fourth()
          Returns the 4th element of a list, or NIL if the list is shorter than 4 elements.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.funcall(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.funcall(LispValue args)
 LispValue LispValue.funcall(LispValue args)
          Calls a functio non a list of arguments.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.functionp()
 LispValue LispValue.functionp()
 LispValue StandardLispFunction.getCode()
          Gets the code of the function.
 LispValue LispFunction.getCode()
          Returns the code of the Function.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.getExternalSymbol(LispString str)
 LispValue LispPackage.getExternalSymbol(LispString str)
          Returns the external symbol with the given name
 LispValue StandardLispValue.gethash(LispValue key)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.gethash(LispValue key)
 LispValue LispValue.gethash(LispValue key)
          Retrieves values from a hash table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.gethash(LispValue key, LispValue defawlt)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.gethash(LispValue key, LispValue defawlt)
 LispValue LispValue.gethash(LispValue key, LispValue defawlt)
          Retrieves values from a hash table, returning a default value if the key is not in the table.
 LispValue StandardLispComplex.getImaginary()
 LispValue LispComplex.getImaginary()
          Returns the imaginary part of the complex number.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.getNicknames()
          Returns a list of the nicknames of this package.
 LispValue LispPackage.getNicknames()
          Returns a list of the nicknames of this package.
 LispValue StandardLispComplex.getReal()
 LispValue LispComplex.getReal()
          Returns the real part of the complex number.
 LispValue StandardLispFunction.getSymbol()
          Returns the symbol that owns this function.
 LispValue LispFunction.getSymbol()
          Returns the symbol whose function this represents.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.getSymbol(LispString str)
 LispValue LispPackage.getSymbol(LispString str)
          Returns the symbol with the given name.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.getUses()
 LispValue LispPackage.getUses()
          Returns a list of package names that this package uses.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.greaterThan(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.greaterThan(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.greaterThan(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly decreasing order.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.greaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.greaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.greaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in non-increasing order.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.hash_table_count()
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.hash_table_count()
 LispValue LispValue.hash_table_count()
          Returns the number of items in the hash table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.hash_table_rehash_size()
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.hash_table_rehash_size()
          This should return the rehash-threshold, but Java 1.1 doesn't let us access that number.
 LispValue LispValue.hash_table_rehash_size()
          Returns a floating-point number that indicates how large the hash table will be after rehashing, as a percentage of the current size.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.hash_table_rehash_threshold()
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.hash_table_rehash_threshold()
          Java 1.1 doesn't let us access this number.
 LispValue LispValue.hash_table_rehash_threshold()
          Returns a floating-point number that indicates how full the table gets before it will expand and rehash its contents.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.hash_table_size()
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.hash_table_size()
          This should return the number of possible entries until the table is full, but Java 1.1 doesn't give us access to that number.
 LispValue LispValue.hash_table_size()
          Returns the total size of the hash table, including empty slots.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.hash_table_test()
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.hash_table_test()
 LispValue LispValue.hash_table_test()
          Returns the function used when comparing keys in the hash table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.hashtablep()
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.hashtablep()
 LispValue LispValue.hashtablep()
          Returns T if the object is a floating-point number.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.integerp()
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.integerp()
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.integerp()
 LispValue LispValue.integerp()
          Returns T if the object is an Integer.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.keywordp()
 LispValue StandardLispKeyword.keywordp()
 LispValue LispValue.keywordp()
          Returns T if the object is a keyword.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.last()
 LispValue StandardLispString.last()
          Returns the last character in the string.
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.last()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.last()
 LispValue LispValue.last()
          Returns the last cons cell in a list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.length()
 LispValue StandardLispString.length()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.length()
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.length()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.length()
          Returns a LispInteger containing the length of the list.
 LispValue LispValue.length()
          Returns the length of a list or string.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.lessThan(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.lessThan(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.lessThan(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly increasing order.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.lessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.lessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.lessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly non-decreasing order.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.lisp_import(LispValue symbols)
          Imports the given symbols into the current package.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.lisp_null()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.lisp_null()
 LispValue LispValue.lisp_null()
          Returns T if the object is NIL.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.list()
 LispValue LispValue.list()
          Creates a list from the object.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.listp()
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.listp()
 LispValue LispValue.listp()
          Returns T if the object is a list.
(package private)  LispValue StandardLispPackage.makeSymbolsFromList(LispValue symbolList)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.max(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.max(LispValue args)
          Returns the max of this number and its arguments, which may be a list of numbers or a single number.
 LispValue LispValue.max(LispValue args)
          Returns the maximum element of a list of numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.member(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.member(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.member(LispValue elt)
 LispValue LispValue.member(LispValue elt)
          Returns the tail of the list starting at the given element.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.min(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.min(LispValue args)
          Returns the min of this number and its arguments, which may be a list of numbers or a single number.
 LispValue LispValue.min(LispValue args)
          Returns the minimum element of a list of numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.multiply(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.multiply(LispValue args)
          MULTIPLY adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.multiply(LispValue args)
          MULTIPLY adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue LispValue.multiply(LispValue args)
          Returns the product of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.nconc(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.nconc(LispValue arg)
          If this object is NIL, returns the argument.
 LispValue LispValue.nconc(LispValue arg)
          Destructively appends a list to the end of the given list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.negate()
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.negate()
          Returns the negative of the given number.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.negate()
 LispValue LispValue.negate()
          Return the negative of a number.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.neql(LispValue val)
          Returns NIL if eql returns T, and vice versa.
 LispValue LispValue.neql(LispValue val)
          Not in the LISP standard, but useful so we don't have to compose (NOT (EQL ...)) when creating expressions.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.ninth()
 LispValue StandardLispString.ninth()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.ninth()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.ninth()
 LispValue LispValue.ninth()
          Returns the ninth element of a list, or NIL if the list is shorter than nine elements.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.nreverse()
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.nreverse()
 LispValue LispValue.nreverse()
          Destructively reverses the given list.
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.nreverse(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.nstringCapitalize()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringCapitalize.
 LispValue StandardLispString.nstringCapitalize()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringCapitalize.
 LispValue LispValue.nstringCapitalize()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringCapitalize.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.nstringDowncase()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringDowncase.
 LispValue StandardLispString.nstringDowncase()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringDowncase.
 LispValue LispValue.nstringDowncase()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringDowncase.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.nstringUpcase()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringUpcase.
 LispValue StandardLispString.nstringUpcase()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringUpcase.
 LispValue LispValue.nstringUpcase()
          For Common LISP compatibility, but identical to stringUpcase.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.numberp()
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.numberp()
 LispValue LispValue.numberp()
          Returns T if the object is any kind of number.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.pop()
          Pops a list and returns the first element.
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.pop()
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.pop()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.pop()
 LispValue LispValue.pop()
          Pops a list and returns the first element.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.position(LispValue element)
          Returns the index of an element in a sequence.
 LispValue StandardLispString.position(LispValue element)
          Returns the index of an element in a sequence.
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.position(LispValue element)
          Returns the index of an element in a sequence.
 LispValue LispValue.position(LispValue element)
          Returns the index of an element in a sequence.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.prin1()
 LispValue LispValue.prin1()
          Prints the value to standard output with *print-escape* bound to T.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.princ()
 LispValue LispValue.princ()
          Prints the output so that it is readable to a person.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.print()
 LispValue LispValue.print()
          Prints using prin1, except the output is preceded by a newline and terminated by a space.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.push(LispValue value)
          Pushes an element onto a list and returns the list.
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.push(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.push(LispValue value)
 LispValue LispValue.push(LispValue value)
          Pushes an element onto a list and returns the list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.radiansToDegrees()
          Converts a numeric value from radians to degrees.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.radiansToDegrees()
          Converts a numeric value from radians to degrees.
 LispValue LispValue.radiansToDegrees()
          Converts a numeric value from radians to degrees.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.rassoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.rassoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.rassoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue LispValue.rassoc(LispValue index)
          Like ASSOC except it matches the CDR of the cell instead of the CAR.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.readFromString()
          Reads a value from the given string.
 LispValue StandardLispString.readFromString()
          Reads a value from the given string.
 LispValue LispValue.readFromString()
          Reads a value from the given string.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.reciprocal()
          Computes 1/x of the given number.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.reciprocal()
          Computes 1/x of the given number.
 LispValue LispValue.reciprocal()
          Computes 1/x of the given number.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.remhash(LispValue key)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.remhash(LispValue key)
 LispValue LispValue.remhash(LispValue key)
          Removes an element from a hash table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.remove(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.remove(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.remove(LispValue elt)
 LispValue LispValue.remove(LispValue elt)
          Returns a copy of a list without all copies of the given element.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.rest()
          Synonym for CDR.
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.rest()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.rest()
 LispValue LispValue.rest()
          Synonym for CDR.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.reverse()
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.reverse()
 LispValue LispValue.reverse()
          Returns the reversed value of a list.
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.reverse(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.rplaca(LispValue newCar)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.rplaca(LispValue newCar)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.rplaca(LispValue newCar)
 LispValue LispValue.rplaca(LispValue newCar)
          Replaces the CAR of a CONS cell.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
 LispValue LispValue.rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
          Replaces the CDR of a CONS cell.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.sec()
          Secant function, 1/cos(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.sec()
          Secant function, 1/cos(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue LispValue.sec()
          Secant function, 1/cos(x), argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.second()
 LispValue StandardLispString.second()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.second()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.second()
 LispValue LispValue.second()
          Returns the second element of a list or NIL if the list is shorter than two elements.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_documentation(LispValue type, LispValue value)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setf_documentation(LispValue type, LispValue value)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_documentation(LispValue type, LispValue value)
          Sets the documentation string for this symbol of the type specified.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_gethash(LispValue key, LispValue value)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.setf_gethash(LispValue key, LispValue value)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_gethash(LispValue key, LispValue value)
          Sets a value in a hash table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_symbol_function(LispValue newFunction)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setf_symbol_function(LispValue newCode)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.setf_symbol_function(LispValue newFunction)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_symbol_function(LispValue newFunction)
          Sets the function of a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_symbol_plist(LispValue newPlist)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setf_symbol_plist(LispValue newPlist)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_symbol_plist(LispValue newPlist)
          Sets the property list of a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispKeyword.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispConstant.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
          Sets the value of a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setq(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setq(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue LispValue.setq(LispValue newValue)
          Assigns a value to a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.seventh()
 LispValue StandardLispString.seventh()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.seventh()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.seventh()
 LispValue LispValue.seventh()
          Returns the seventh element of a list or NIL if the list is shorter than seven elements.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.shadow(LispValue symbols)
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.shadowing_import(LispValue symbols)
          Imports the given symbols into the current package shadowing list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.sin()
          Sine trigonometric function.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.sin()
          Sine trigonometric function, argument is in radians.
 LispValue LispValue.sin()
          Sine trigonometric function, argument is in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.sixth()
 LispValue StandardLispString.sixth()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.sixth()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.sixth()
 LispValue LispValue.sixth()
          Returns the sixth element of a list or NIL if the list is shorter than six elements.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.sqrt()
          Square root.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.sqrt()
 LispValue LispValue.sqrt()
          Square root, accepts negative numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.string()
          Converts a String, Symbol or Character to a string.
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.string()
          Converts a String, Symbol or Character to a string.
 LispValue StandardLispString.string()
          Converts a String, Symbol or Character to a string.
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.string()
          Converts a String, Symbol or Character to a string.
 LispValue LispValue.string()
          Converts a String, Symbol or Character to a string.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringCapitalize()
          Capitalizes the first character of a string and converts the remaining characters to lower case.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringCapitalize()
          Capitalizes the first character of a string and converts the remaining characters to lower case.
 LispValue LispValue.stringCapitalize()
          Capitalizes the first character of a string and converts the remaining characters to lower case.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringDowncase()
          Converts all of the characters to lower case.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringDowncase()
          Converts all of the characters to lower case.
 LispValue LispValue.stringDowncase()
          Converts all of the characters to lower case.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringEndsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringEndsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue LispValue.stringEndsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringEq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringEq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue LispValue.stringEq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue LispValue.stringEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-greaterp function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-greaterp function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-greaterp function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringGreaterThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string> function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringGreaterThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string> function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringGreaterThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string> function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringGreaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string>= function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringGreaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string>= function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringGreaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string>= function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringLeftTrim()
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringLeftTrim()
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue LispValue.stringLeftTrim()
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringLeftTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringLeftTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue LispValue.stringLeftTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-lessp function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-lessp function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-lessp function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringLessThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string< function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringLessThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string< function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringLessThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string< function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringLessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string<= function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringLessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string<= function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringLessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string<= function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringNeq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is not STRING= the given string.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringNeq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is not STRING= the given string.
 LispValue LispValue.stringNeq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is not STRING= the given string.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringNotGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-greaterp function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringNotGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-greaterp function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringNotGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-greaterp function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringNotLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-lessp function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringNotLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-lessp function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringNotLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-lessp function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringp()
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringp()
 LispValue LispValue.stringp()
          Returns T if the object is a string.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringRightTrim()
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringRightTrim()
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue LispValue.stringRightTrim()
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringRightTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringRightTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue LispValue.stringRightTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringStartsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringStartsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue LispValue.stringStartsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringTrim()
          Trims the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringTrim()
          Trims the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue LispValue.stringTrim()
          Trims the string by deleting whitespace on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue LispValue.stringTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringUpcase()
          Converts all the characters to upper case.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringUpcase()
          Converts all the characters to upper case.
 LispValue LispValue.stringUpcase()
          Converts all the characters to upper case.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.subst(LispValue newValue, LispValue oldValue)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.subst(LispValue oldValue, LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.subst(LispValue newValue, LispValue oldValue)
 LispValue LispValue.subst(LispValue newValue, LispValue oldValue)
          Replaces all oldValues in a tree with newValue.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.substring(LispValue start)
 LispValue StandardLispString.substring(LispValue start)
          Returns the substring starting at position START to the end.
 LispValue LispValue.substring(LispValue start)
          Returns the substring of a string starting with the nth element.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.substring(LispValue start, LispValue end)
 LispValue StandardLispString.substring(LispValue start, LispValue end)
          Returns the substring starting at position START to the end.
 LispValue LispValue.substring(LispValue start, LispValue end)
          Returns the substring of a string starting with the start element and ending just before the end element.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.subtract(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.subtract(LispValue args)
          SUBTRACT adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.subtract(LispValue args)
          SUBTRACT adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue LispValue.subtract(LispValue args)
          Returns the difference of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.symbol_function()
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.symbol_function()
 LispValue LispValue.symbol_function()
          Returns the function assigned to a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.symbol_name()
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.symbol_name()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.symbol_name()
 LispValue LispValue.symbol_name()
          Returns a string containing the name of a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.symbol_package()
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.symbol_package()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.symbol_package()
 LispValue LispValue.symbol_package()
          Returns the package of a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.symbol_plist()
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.symbol_plist()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.symbol_plist()
 LispValue LispValue.symbol_plist()
          Returns the property list of a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.symbol_value()
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.symbol_value()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.symbol_value()
 LispValue LispValue.symbol_value()
          Returns the value of a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.symbolp()
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.symbolp()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.symbolp()
 LispValue LispValue.symbolp()
          Returns T if the object is a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.tan()
          Tangent trigonometric function.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.tan()
          Tangent trigonometric function, argument is in radians.
 LispValue LispValue.tan()
          Tangent trigonometric function, argument is in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.tenth()
 LispValue StandardLispString.tenth()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.tenth()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.tenth()
 LispValue LispValue.tenth()
          Returns the tenth element of a list or NIL if the list is less than ten elements long.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.third()
 LispValue StandardLispString.third()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.third()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.third()
 LispValue LispValue.third()
          Returns the third element of a list or NIL if the list is less than three elements long.
static LispValue LispValueFactory.toLisp(Jatha lisp, Object obj)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
private  LispValue StandardLispPackage.transformToStrings(LispValue list)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispString.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispReal.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispCons.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.type_of()
 LispValue LispValue.type_of()
 LispValue StandardLispValue.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispString.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispReal.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispAtom.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue LispValue.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.zerop()
 LispValue StandardLispReal.zerop()
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.zerop()
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.zerop()
 LispValue LispValue.zerop()

Methods in org.jatha.dynatype with parameters of type LispValue
 LispValue StandardLispValue.add(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.add(LispValue args)
          ADD adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.add(LispValue args)
 LispValue LispValue.add(LispValue args)
          Returns the sum of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.addSymbol(LispString name, LispValue symbol)
          Stores a new symbol in this package.
 LispValue LispPackage.addSymbol(LispString name, LispValue symbol)
          Returns the symbol after it is added to the package.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.append(LispValue otherList)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.append(LispValue otherList)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.append(LispValue otherList)
 LispValue LispValue.append(LispValue otherList)
          Append two lists together.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.apply(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.apply(LispValue args)
 LispValue LispValue.apply(LispValue args)
          Apply a function to an argument list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.assoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.assoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.assoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue LispValue.assoc(LispValue index)
          Look up a value in an association list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.atan2(LispValue x)
          Arctan function, argument in radians.
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.atan2(LispValue x)
          Two-argument Arctan function with result in radians Also called Inverse Tangent, this is the angle whose tangent is y/x, where y is the first argument and x is the second argument.
 LispValue LispValue.atan2(LispValue x)
          Arctan function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.concatenate(LispValue values)
          Concatenate a string or symbol to other strings or symbols.
 LispValue StandardLispString.concatenate(LispValue values)
          Concatenate a string to another string.
 LispValue LispValue.concatenate(LispValue value)
          Concatenate a string to another string.
 boolean StandardLispValue.contains(LispValue object)
          Wrapper for member().
 boolean StandardLispCons.contains(LispValue object)
          Wrapper for member().
 boolean LispValue.contains(LispValue object)
          Wrapper for member().
 LispValue StandardLispValue.divide(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.divide(LispValue args)
          DIVIDE adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.divide(LispValue args)
          DIVIDE adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue LispValue.divide(LispValue args)
          Returns the quotient of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.documentation(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.documentation(LispValue type)
 LispValue LispValue.documentation(LispValue type)
          Returns the documentation string for this symbol, of the type specified.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.elt(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispString.elt(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.elt(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.elt(LispValue index)
 LispValue LispValue.elt(LispValue index)
          Returns the nth element of a list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.eq(LispValue val)
 LispValue LispValue.eq(LispValue val)
          Returns T if the argument is exactly identical to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispString.eql(LispValue other)
 LispValue StandardLispReal.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.eql(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.eql(LispValue val)
 LispValue LispValue.eql(LispValue val)
          Returns T if the argument is EQ to the object or if the arguments and object are numbers with equal values.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispString.equal(LispValue other)
 LispValue StandardLispReal.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.equal(LispValue value)
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.equal(LispValue val)
 LispValue LispValue.equal(LispValue val)
          Returns T if the argument is EQL or if two strings are STRING= or if two trees have EQUAL subtrees.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.equalNumeric(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.equalNumeric(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.equalNumeric(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object is EQUAL to its argument.
 boolean StandardLispString.equals(LispValue other)
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.export(LispValue symbols)
          Declares the symbol or symbols as exported symbols.
 LispValue LispPackage.export(LispValue symbols)
          Declares the symbol or symbols as exported symbols.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.funcall(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.funcall(LispValue args)
 LispValue LispValue.funcall(LispValue args)
          Calls a functio non a list of arguments.
private  LispString StandardLispPackage.getAsString(LispValue inp)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.gethash(LispValue key)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.gethash(LispValue key)
 LispValue LispValue.gethash(LispValue key)
          Retrieves values from a hash table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.gethash(LispValue key, LispValue defawlt)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.gethash(LispValue key, LispValue defawlt)
 LispValue LispValue.gethash(LispValue key, LispValue defawlt)
          Retrieves values from a hash table, returning a default value if the key is not in the table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.greaterThan(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.greaterThan(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.greaterThan(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly decreasing order.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.greaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.greaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.greaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in non-increasing order.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.lessThan(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.lessThan(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.lessThan(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly increasing order.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.lessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.lessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
 LispValue LispValue.lessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the object prepended to the argument list is in strictly non-decreasing order.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.lisp_import(LispValue symbols)
          Imports the given symbols into the current package.
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeCons(Jatha lisp, LispValue theCar, LispValue theCdr)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, LispValue first)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, LispValue first, LispValue second)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, LispValue first, LispValue second, LispValue third)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, LispValue first, LispValue second, LispValue third, LispValue fourth)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
(package private)  LispValue StandardLispPackage.makeSymbolsFromList(LispValue symbolList)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.max(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.max(LispValue args)
          Returns the max of this number and its arguments, which may be a list of numbers or a single number.
 LispValue LispValue.max(LispValue args)
          Returns the maximum element of a list of numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.member(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.member(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.member(LispValue elt)
 LispValue LispValue.member(LispValue elt)
          Returns the tail of the list starting at the given element.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.min(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.min(LispValue args)
          Returns the min of this number and its arguments, which may be a list of numbers or a single number.
 LispValue LispValue.min(LispValue args)
          Returns the minimum element of a list of numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.multiply(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.multiply(LispValue args)
          MULTIPLY adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.multiply(LispValue args)
          MULTIPLY adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue LispValue.multiply(LispValue args)
          Returns the product of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.nconc(LispValue arg)
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.nconc(LispValue arg)
          If this object is NIL, returns the argument.
 LispValue LispValue.nconc(LispValue arg)
          Destructively appends a list to the end of the given list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.neql(LispValue val)
          Returns NIL if eql returns T, and vice versa.
 LispValue LispValue.neql(LispValue val)
          Not in the LISP standard, but useful so we don't have to compose (NOT (EQL ...)) when creating expressions.
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.nreverse(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.position(LispValue element)
          Returns the index of an element in a sequence.
 LispValue StandardLispString.position(LispValue element)
          Returns the index of an element in a sequence.
 LispValue StandardLispConsOrNil.position(LispValue element)
          Returns the index of an element in a sequence.
 LispValue LispValue.position(LispValue element)
          Returns the index of an element in a sequence.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.push(LispValue value)
          Pushes an element onto a list and returns the list.
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.push(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.push(LispValue value)
 LispValue LispValue.push(LispValue value)
          Pushes an element onto a list and returns the list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.rassoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.rassoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.rassoc(LispValue index)
 LispValue LispValue.rassoc(LispValue index)
          Like ASSOC except it matches the CDR of the cell instead of the CAR.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.remhash(LispValue key)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.remhash(LispValue key)
 LispValue LispValue.remhash(LispValue key)
          Removes an element from a hash table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.remove(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.remove(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.remove(LispValue elt)
 LispValue LispValue.remove(LispValue elt)
          Returns a copy of a list without all copies of the given element.
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.reverse(LispValue elt)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.rplaca(LispValue newCar)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.rplaca(LispValue newCar)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.rplaca(LispValue newCar)
 LispValue LispValue.rplaca(LispValue newCar)
          Replaces the CAR of a CONS cell.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
 LispValue LispValue.rplacd(LispValue newCdr)
          Replaces the CDR of a CONS cell.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_documentation(LispValue type, LispValue value)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setf_documentation(LispValue type, LispValue value)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_documentation(LispValue type, LispValue value)
          Sets the documentation string for this symbol of the type specified.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_gethash(LispValue key, LispValue value)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.setf_gethash(LispValue key, LispValue value)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_gethash(LispValue key, LispValue value)
          Sets a value in a hash table.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_symbol_function(LispValue newFunction)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setf_symbol_function(LispValue newCode)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.setf_symbol_function(LispValue newFunction)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_symbol_function(LispValue newFunction)
          Sets the function of a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_symbol_plist(LispValue newPlist)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setf_symbol_plist(LispValue newPlist)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_symbol_plist(LispValue newPlist)
          Sets the property list of a symbol.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispKeyword.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispConstant.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue LispValue.setf_symbol_value(LispValue newValue)
          Sets the value of a symbol.
 void StandardLispComplex.setImaginary(LispValue imaginaryPart)
 void LispComplex.setImaginary(LispValue imag)
          Sets the real part of a complex number.
 void StandardLispPackage.setNicknames(LispValue nicknames)
          Sets the nicknames-list
 void LispPackage.setNicknames(LispValue nicknames)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.setq(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.setq(LispValue newValue)
 LispValue LispValue.setq(LispValue newValue)
          Assigns a value to a symbol.
 void StandardLispComplex.setReal(LispValue realPart)
 void LispComplex.setReal(LispValue real)
          Sets the real part of a complex number.
 void StandardLispPackage.setUses(LispValue uses)
 void LispPackage.setUses(LispValue uses)
          Sets the uses for this package.
 void StandardLispComplex.setValue(LispValue real, LispValue imag)
          Sets both the real part and the imaginary part of a complex number.
 void LispComplex.setValue(LispValue real, LispValue imag)
          Sets both the real part and the imaginary part of a complex number.
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.shadow(LispValue symbols)
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.shadowing_import(LispValue symbols)
          Imports the given symbols into the current package shadowing list.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringEndsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringEndsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue LispValue.stringEndsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringEq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringEq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue LispValue.stringEq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue LispValue.stringEqual(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is an identical string to the object.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-greaterp function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-greaterp function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-greaterp function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringGreaterThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string> function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringGreaterThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string> function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringGreaterThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string> function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringGreaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string>= function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringGreaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string>= function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringGreaterThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string>= function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringLeftTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringLeftTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue LispValue.stringLeftTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the left end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-lessp function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-lessp function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-lessp function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringLessThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string< function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringLessThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string< function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringLessThan(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string< function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringLessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string<= function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringLessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string<= function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringLessThanOrEqual(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string<= function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringNeq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is not STRING= the given string.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringNeq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is not STRING= the given string.
 LispValue LispValue.stringNeq(LispValue arg)
          Returns T if the argument is not STRING= the given string.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringNotGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-greaterp function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringNotGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-greaterp function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringNotGreaterP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-greaterp function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringNotLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-lessp function.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringNotLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-lessp function.
 LispValue LispValue.stringNotLessP(LispValue arg)
          This is the LISP string-not-lessp function.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringRightTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringRightTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue LispValue.stringRightTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the right end of the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringStartsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringStartsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue LispValue.stringStartsWith(LispValue arg)
          Not in Common LISP, but useful.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.stringTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispString.stringTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue LispValue.stringTrim(LispValue deleteBag)
          Trims the string by deleting characters in the input string on both ends.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.subst(LispValue newValue, LispValue oldValue)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.subst(LispValue oldValue, LispValue newValue)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.subst(LispValue newValue, LispValue oldValue)
 LispValue LispValue.subst(LispValue newValue, LispValue oldValue)
          Replaces all oldValues in a tree with newValue.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.substring(LispValue start)
 LispValue StandardLispString.substring(LispValue start)
          Returns the substring starting at position START to the end.
 LispValue LispValue.substring(LispValue start)
          Returns the substring of a string starting with the nth element.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.substring(LispValue start, LispValue end)
 LispValue StandardLispString.substring(LispValue start, LispValue end)
          Returns the substring starting at position START to the end.
 LispValue LispValue.substring(LispValue start, LispValue end)
          Returns the substring of a string starting with the start element and ending just before the end element.
 LispValue StandardLispValue.subtract(LispValue args)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.subtract(LispValue args)
          SUBTRACT adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.subtract(LispValue args)
          SUBTRACT adds any combination of real or integer numbers.
 LispValue LispValue.subtract(LispValue args)
          Returns the difference of the object and the object(s) in the argument list.
private  LispValue StandardLispPackage.transformToStrings(LispValue list)
 LispValue StandardLispValue.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispSymbol.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispString.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispReal.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispPackage.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispNumber.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispNIL.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispInteger.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispHashTable.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispCons.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispCharacter.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispBignum.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue StandardLispAtom.typep(LispValue type)
 LispValue LispValue.typep(LispValue type)
 boolean StandardLispValue.uses(LispValue pkg)
 boolean StandardLispPackage.uses(LispValue pkg)
          Returns true if this package uses the given package
 boolean LispValue.uses(LispValue pkg)
          Returns true if this package uses the given package

Constructors in org.jatha.dynatype with parameters of type LispValue
LispConsIterator(LispValue list)
StandardLispComplex(Jatha lisp, LispValue realPart, LispValue imaginaryPart)
          Creates realPart new complex number with the given real part and imaginary part.
StandardLispCons(Jatha lisp, LispValue theCar, LispValue theCdr)
StandardLispConstant(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolNameString, LispValue itsValue)
StandardLispConstant(Jatha lisp, LispValue oldSymbol)
StandardLispConstant(Jatha lisp, String symbolName, LispValue itsValue)
StandardLispFunction(Jatha lisp, LispValue symbol, LispValue code)
          Send in the instance of Jatha and the code for this function.
StandardLispHashTable(Jatha lisp, LispValue typeArg, LispValue sizeArg, LispValue rehashSizeArg, LispValue rehashThresholdArg)
          Send in the test type, size, rehash-size, and rehash-threshold or NIL for any of the parameters.
StandardLispMacro(Jatha f_lisp, LispValue symbol, LispValue value)
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue name)
          Creates a new package.
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue name, LispValue nicknames)
          Creates a package with a list of nicknames.
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue name, LispValue nicknames, LispValue usesList)
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue pname, LispValue pnicknames, LispValue puses, SymbolTable symtab)
          Creates a package with a list of nicknames and a list of exported symbols.
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue pname, LispValue pnicknames, LispValue puses, SymbolTable symtab, SymbolTable shadows)
          Creates a package with a list of nicknames and a list of exported symbols.

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha.eval

Methods in org.jatha.eval that return LispValue
 LispValue LispEvaluator.cons(LispValue theCar, LispValue theCdr)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.intern(LispString symbolString)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.intern(LispString symbolString, LispPackage pkg)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.intern(LispString symbolString, LispValue symbol)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.intern(LispString symbolString, LispValue symbol, LispPackage pkg)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.intern(String str)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.intern(String str, LispPackage pkg)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.nreverse(LispValue thing)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.reverse(LispValue thing)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.setf_symbol_function(LispValue symbol, LispValue value)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.setf_symbol_plist(LispValue symbol, LispValue value)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.setf_symbol_value(LispValue symbol, LispValue value)

Methods in org.jatha.eval with parameters of type LispValue
 LispValue LispEvaluator.cons(LispValue theCar, LispValue theCdr)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.intern(LispString symbolString, LispValue symbol)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.intern(LispString symbolString, LispValue symbol, LispPackage pkg)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.nreverse(LispValue thing)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.reverse(LispValue thing)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.setf_symbol_function(LispValue symbol, LispValue value)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.setf_symbol_plist(LispValue symbol, LispValue value)
 LispValue LispEvaluator.setf_symbol_value(LispValue symbol, LispValue value)

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha.machine

Classes in org.jatha.machine that implement LispValue
(package private)  class opAP
          opAP applies a non-recursive function in an evaluation environment.
(package private)  class opBLK
          The BLK-operation is a marker, which pops itself and it's argument from the C register.
(package private)  class opDAP
          opDAP optimizes the (...
(package private)  class opDUM
          opDUM Sets up a dummy entry in the E register to prepare for execution of a recursive function.
(package private)  class opJOIN
          opJOIN terminates a branch of an IF-ELSE statement by taking the topmost entry from the D register and storing it in the C register.
(package private)  class opLD
          opLD pushes the value of a local variable onto the S register and removes two values from the C register.
(package private)  class opLD_GLOBAL
          opLD_GLOBAL pushes onto the stack the value of a global variable.
(package private)  class opLDC
          opLDC pops two values from the C register and pushes the second of those onto the S register.
(package private)  class opLDF
          opLDF prepares to execute a non-recursive function.
(package private)  class opLDFC
          LDFC is not in Kogge's book.
(package private)  class opLDR
          JPG : Not an original jatha opcode opLDR (op LoaD Rest) has been added to handle user-defined functions with a variable number of args (with &rest keyword in the list of parameters) opLDR pushes the value of a local variable onto the S register and removes two values from the C register.
(package private)  class opLIS
          opLIS is not in the Kogge book.
(package private)  class opNIL
          opNIL pushes the constant NIL onto the S register and pops the C register.
(package private)  class opRAP
          opRAP applies a recursive function in an evaluation environment.
(package private)  class opRTN
          opRTN returns from a function call.
(package private)  class opRTN_IF
          opRTN_IF returns from a function call if the value on the stack is NIL.
(package private)  class opRTN_IT
          opRTN_IT returns from a function call if the value on the stack is non-NIL.
(package private)  class opSEL
          opSEL takes a branch in an IF-ELSE expression.
(package private)  class opSP_BIND
          opSP_BIND binds a special variable to the topmost value on the stack.
(package private)  class opSP_UNBIND
          opSP_UNBIND unbinds a special variable.
(package private)  class opSTOP
          opSTOP halts the machine.
(package private)  class opT
          opT pushes a constant T onto the stack.
(package private)  class opTAG_B
(package private)  class opTAG_E
(package private)  class opTEST
          opTEST is a variation of SEL that optimizes for recursion in the else part.
 class SECDop
          SECDop is the abstract class that encompasses all SECD machine ops.
 class SECDRegister
          SECDRegister is essentially a Stack, with an additional assign() method which resets the value, and a value() method which retrieves the whole stack.

Fields in org.jatha.machine declared as LispValue
 LispValue SECDMachine.B

Methods in org.jatha.machine that return LispValue
 LispValue SECDMachine.Execute(LispValue code, LispValue globals)
 LispValue SECDMachine.get_special_value(LispValue symbol)
 LispValue SECDop.getComponentAt(LispValue ij_indexes, LispValue valueList)
private  LispValue opLDR.getRestListAt(LispValue ij_indexes, LispValue valueList)
 LispValue opTEST.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opSP_UNBIND.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opSP_BIND.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opSEL.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLIS.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLDR.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLDFC.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLDF.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLDC.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLD_GLOBAL.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLD.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opBLK.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue SECDop.loc(long y, LispValue z)
 LispValue SECDRegister.value()
          Returns the value of a register.

Methods in org.jatha.machine with parameters of type LispValue
 void SECDRegister.assign(LispValue newValue)
          Assign sets the value of a register.
 LispValue SECDMachine.Execute(LispValue code, LispValue globals)
 LispValue SECDMachine.get_special_value(LispValue symbol)
 LispValue SECDop.getComponentAt(LispValue ij_indexes, LispValue valueList)
private  LispValue opLDR.getRestListAt(LispValue ij_indexes, LispValue valueList)
 LispValue opTEST.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opSP_UNBIND.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opSP_BIND.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opSEL.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLIS.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLDR.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLDFC.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLDF.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLDC.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLD_GLOBAL.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opLD.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue opBLK.grindef(LispValue code, int indentAmount)
 LispValue SECDop.loc(long y, LispValue z)
 void SECDop.setComponentAt(LispValue ij_indexes, LispValue valueList, LispValue newValue)
 void SECDop.setLoc(long y, LispValue values, LispValue newValue)
          Sets the nth position in the list to the new value.
 void SECDMachine.setStackValue(SECDRegister e, LispValue val)
 void SECDMachine.special_bind(LispValue symbol, LispValue value)
 void SECDMachine.special_set(LispValue symbol, LispValue value)
 void SECDMachine.special_unbind(LispValue symbol)

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha.read

Methods in org.jatha.read that return LispValue
 LispValue LispParser.applyReaderMacro(PushbackReader stream)
          This routine is called by parse when it encounters a pound (#) mark.
 LispValue LispParser.parse()
          Parse() assumes that there is only one expression in the input string or file.
 LispValue LispParser.read_backquoted_list_token(PushbackReader stream)
          This library can't read backquotes yet.
 LispValue LispParser.read_backquoted_token(PushbackReader stream)
          This routine is called by parse when it encounters a backquote mark.
(package private)  LispValue LispParser.read_comma_token(PushbackReader stream)
          This routine is called by parse when it encounters a comma, which is only legal inside a backquote.
 LispValue LispParser.read_list_token(PushbackReader stream)
          Reads one list expression from the input stream and returns it.
(package private)  LispValue LispParser.read_quoted_token(PushbackReader stream)
          This routine is called by parse when it encounters a quote mark.
 LispValue LispParser.read()
          Reads one s-expression from the input stream (a string or file).
 LispValue LispParser.tokenToLispValue(String token)
          Converts a string to a LISP value such as NIL, T, an integer, a real number, a string or a symbol.

Methods in org.jatha.read with parameters of type LispValue
static boolean LispParser.hasBalancedParentheses(Jatha lisp, LispValue input)
          Returns true if the input expression has balanced parentheses

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha.test

Methods in org.jatha.test with parameters of type LispValue
 void LispTester.show(String label, LispValue value)

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha.test.junit

Fields in org.jatha.test.junit declared as LispValue
protected  LispValue CoreTest.A
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.a_key
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.a_sym
protected  LispValue CoreTest.B
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.b_key
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.b_sym
protected  LispValue CoreTest.C
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.c_key
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.c_sym
protected  LispValue CoreTest.D
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.d_key
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.d_sym
protected  LispValue CoreTest.E
protected  LispValue CoreTest.F
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Bignum
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Cons
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Constant
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Function
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_HashTable
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Integer
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Keyword
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_List
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_NIL
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Number
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Package
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_QuotedList
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Real
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_String
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_Symbol
protected  LispValue CoreTest.f_T
protected  LispValue CoreTest.FIVE
protected  LispValue CoreTest.FOUR
protected  LispValue CoreTest.G
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.int_sym
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.list2_b_default
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.list3_a_default
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.list3_c_default
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.list4_a_default
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.list4_c_default
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.list6_b_default
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.list7_b_default
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.list8_c_default
protected  LispValue CoreTest.ONE
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.supp_sym
protected  LispValue CoreTest.THREE
protected  LispValue CoreTest.TWO
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.x_key
private  LispValue ArgumentTest.x_sym

Uses of LispValue in org.jatha.util

Methods in org.jatha.util that return LispValue
 LispValue SymbolTable.get(LispString key)
 LispValue SymbolTable.put(LispString key, LispValue value)
 LispValue SymbolTable.replace(LispString key, LispValue value)

Methods in org.jatha.util with parameters of type LispValue
 LispValue SymbolTable.put(LispString key, LispValue value)
 LispValue SymbolTable.replace(LispString key, LispValue value)

Jatha Software