Jatha Software

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LispNumber

Uses of LispNumber in org.jatha

Methods in org.jatha with parameters of type LispNumber
 void Jatha.setMaxListLength(LispNumber newLength)
          Sets the value of *MAX-LIST-LENGTH*.

Uses of LispNumber in org.jatha.dynatype

Subinterfaces of LispNumber in org.jatha.dynatype
 interface LispBignum
          Defines BigNums - large integers.
 interface LispComplex
          LispComplex is an abstract class that implements the Common LISP COMPLEX type.
 interface LispInteger
 interface LispReal

Classes in org.jatha.dynatype that implement LispNumber
 class StandardLispBignum
          Implements BigNums - large integers.
 class StandardLispComplex
          StandardLispComplex represents a Complex number.
 class StandardLispInteger
 class StandardLispNumber
          LispNumber is an abstract class that implements the Common LISP NUMBER type.
 class StandardLispReal

Jatha Software