Jatha Software

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LispSymbol

Uses of LispSymbol in org.jatha

Methods in org.jatha that return LispSymbol
 LispSymbol Jatha.makeConstant(LispString symbolName)
 LispSymbol Jatha.makeConstant(String symbolName)
          Creates a LispConstant (a type of Symbol whose value can not be changed).
 LispSymbol Jatha.makeKeyword(LispString symbolName)
 LispSymbol Jatha.makeKeyword(String symbolName)
          Creates a LispKeyword (a type of Symbol that evaluates to itself).
 LispSymbol Jatha.makeSymbol(LispString symbolName)
 LispSymbol Jatha.makeSymbol(String symbolName)
          Creates a LispSymbol from a string or LispString.

Uses of LispSymbol in org.jatha.dynatype

Subinterfaces of LispSymbol in org.jatha.dynatype
 interface LispConstant
 interface LispKeyword
          A keyword is a constant (symbol) which evaluates to itself.

Classes in org.jatha.dynatype that implement LispSymbol
 class StandardLispConstant
 class StandardLispKeyword
          A keyword is a constant (symbol) which evaluates to itself.
 class StandardLispSymbol
          LispSymbol implements LISP Symbols, including provisions for special bindings.

Methods in org.jatha.dynatype that return LispSymbol
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeConstant(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeConstant(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeKeyword(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeKeyword(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeSymbol(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeSymbol(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead

Methods in org.jatha.dynatype with parameters of type LispSymbol
 boolean StandardLispSymbol.equals(LispSymbol otherSymbol)

Uses of LispSymbol in org.jatha.machine

Classes in org.jatha.machine that implement LispSymbol
 class SECDRegister
          SECDRegister is essentially a Stack, with an additional assign() method which resets the value, and a value() method which retrieves the whole stack.

Jatha Software