Jatha Software

Uses of Class

Packages that use StandardLispAtom

Uses of StandardLispAtom in org.jatha.dynatype

Subclasses of StandardLispAtom in org.jatha.dynatype
 class StandardLispBignum
          Implements BigNums - large integers.
 class StandardLispCharacter
 class StandardLispComplex
          StandardLispComplex represents a Complex number.
 class StandardLispConstant
 class StandardLispInteger
 class StandardLispKeyword
          A keyword is a constant (symbol) which evaluates to itself.
 class StandardLispNumber
          LispNumber is an abstract class that implements the Common LISP NUMBER type.
 class StandardLispReal
 class StandardLispString
 class StandardLispSymbol
          LispSymbol implements LISP Symbols, including provisions for special bindings.

Uses of StandardLispAtom in org.jatha.machine

Subclasses of StandardLispAtom in org.jatha.machine
 class SECDRegister
          SECDRegister is essentially a Stack, with an additional assign() method which resets the value, and a value() method which retrieves the whole stack.

Jatha Software