Jatha Software

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LispConsOrNil

Uses of LispConsOrNil in org.jatha

Fields in org.jatha declared as LispConsOrNil
 LispConsOrNil Jatha.NIL

Methods in org.jatha that return LispConsOrNil
 LispConsOrNil Jatha.makeAppendList(Collection elements)
          Each element of the collection should be a LispConsOrNil.
 LispConsOrNil Jatha.makeList(Collection elements)
          Creates a LISP list from the elements of the Collection.
 LispConsOrNil Jatha.makeList(LispValue... parts)
          This is a Java 5-compatible version of makeList that accepts any number of arguments.
 LispConsOrNil Jatha.makeNconcList(Collection elements)
          Each element of the collection should be a LispConsOrNil.

Uses of LispConsOrNil in org.jatha.dynatype

Subinterfaces of LispConsOrNil in org.jatha.dynatype
 interface LispCons
 interface LispNil

Classes in org.jatha.dynatype that implement LispConsOrNil
 class StandardLispCons
 class StandardLispConsOrNil
          An abstract class for the CONS and NIL data types.
 class StandardLispNIL

Methods in org.jatha.dynatype that return LispConsOrNil
static LispConsOrNil LispValueFactory.makeAppendList(Jatha lisp, Collection elements)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispConsOrNil LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, Collection elements)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispConsOrNil LispValueFactory.makeNconcList(Jatha lisp, Collection elements)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead

Jatha Software