Jatha Software

Uses of Class

Packages that use StandardLispValue

Uses of StandardLispValue in org.jatha.compile

Subclasses of StandardLispValue in org.jatha.compile
 class AbsoluteValuePrimitive
 class AddOnePrimitive
 class AddPrimitive
 class AppendPrimitive
 class ApplyPrimitive
          (APPLY fn args...)
 class AproposPrimitive
 class ArcCosinePrimitive
 class ArcSinePrimitive
 class ArcTangent2Primitive
 class ArcTangentPrimitive
 class AssocPrimitive
 class AtomPrimitive
 class BackquotePrimitive
          Processes a backquote, especially useful during macro expansion.
 class BlockPrimitive
          The Block primitive
 class BoundpPrimitive
 class ButlastPrimitive
 class CarPrimitive
 class CdrPrimitive
 class CeilingPrimitive
 class CharacterpPrimitive
 class ClrhashPrimitive
 class ConcatenatePrimitive
 class ConspPrimitive
 class ConsPrimitive
 class ConstantpPrimitive
 class CopyListPrimitive
 class CosecantPrimitive
 class CosinePrimitive
 class CotangentPrimitive
 class DefconstantPrimitive
 class DefparameterPrimitive
 class DefvarPrimitive
 class DegreesToRadiansPrimitive
 class DividePrimitive
 class DocumentationPrimitive
          Gets the documentation for the object.
 class EighthPrimitive
 class EltPrimitive
 class EqlPrimitive
 class EqPrimitive
 class EqualNumericPrimitive
 class EvalPrimitive
 class ExitPrimitive
 class ExportPrimitive
          Exports symbols from a package, which means that you can refer to the symbols from other packages
 class FactorialPrimitive
          This opcode executes the Factorial function.
 class FboundpPrimitive
 class FifthPrimitive
 class FindPackagePrimitive
 class FirstPrimitive
 class FloatpPrimitive
 class FloorPrimitive
 class FourthPrimitive
 class FreePrimitive
 class FuncallPrimitive
 class FunctionPrimitive
          This is the class that encapsulates the action and compilation of the FUNCTION function.
 class GcFullPrimitive
 class GcPrimitive
 class GethashPrimitive
 class GoPrimitive
          Implements the GO primitive
 class GreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive
 class GreaterThanPrimitive
 class GrindefPrimitive
 class HashtableCountPrimitive
 class HashtablepPrimitive
 class HashtableRehashSizePrimitive
 class HashtableRehashThresholdPrimitive
 class HashtableSizePrimitive
 class HashtableTestPrimitive
 class ImportPrimitive
          Imports symbols into a package, which means that you can refer to the symbols within the package without colon-syntax
 class IntegerpPrimitive
 class InternPrimitive
 class KeywordpPrimitive
 class LastPrimitive
 class LengthPrimitive
 class LessThanOrEqualPrimitive
 class LessThanPrimitive
 class LispPrimitive
          The LispPrimitive class makes the transition from LISP code to Java code.
 class ListAllPackagesPrimitive
 class ListpPrimitive
 class ListPrimitive
 class ListStarPrimitive
 class LoadFromJarPrimitive
          Implements load-from-container.
 class LoadPrimitive
 class Macroexpand1Primitive
          Returns the expansion of the form named.
 class MacroexpandPrimitive
          Returns the expansion of the form named.
 class MakeHashTablePrimitive
 class MakepackagePrimitive
          Creates a package with the associated information if no such package exists.
 class MaxPrimitive
 class MemberPrimitive
 class MinPrimitive
 class MultiplyPrimitive
 class NconcPrimitive
 class NinthPrimitive
 class NotPrimitive
 class NreversePrimitive
 class NStringCapitalizePrimitive
 class NStringDowncasePrimitive
 class NStringUpcasePrimitive
 class NullPrimitive
 class NumberpPrimitive
 class PackageNamePrimitive
          Fetches the name of the specified package.
 class PackageNicknamesPrimitive
          Fetches a list of the package nicknames.
 class PackageUseListPrimitive
          Fetches a list of the packages that the specified package uses.
 class PopPrimitive
 class PositionPrimitive
 class Prin1Primitive
 class PrincPrimitive
 class PrintPrimitive
 class PushPrimitive
 class QuotePrimitive
 class RadiansToDegreesPrimitive
 class RassocPrimitive
 class ReadFromStringPrimitive
 class ReciprocalPrimitive
          This opcode executes the Reciprocal (1/x) function.
 class RemhashPrimitive
 class RemovePrimitive
 class RestPrimitive
 class ReturnFromPrimitive
          The RETURN-FROM special form.
 class ReversePrimitive
 class RplacaPrimitive
 class RplacdPrimitive
 class SecantPrimitive
 class SecondPrimitive
 class SetfDocumentationPrimitive
          Sets the documentation for the symbol specified.
 class SetfGethashPrimitive
 class SetfSymbolFunctionPrimitive
 class SetfSymbolPlistPrimitive
 class SetfSymbolValuePrimitive
 class SetPrimitive
 class SetqPrimitive
 class SeventhPrimitive
 class ShadowingImportPrimitive
          This is like import, but it does not signal an error if the import would shadow some symbol in the package.
 class ShadowPrimitive
          The print name of each symbol in symbols will be extracted and put in as a new symbol in the package, with shadowing on
 class SinePrimitive
 class SixthPrimitive
 class SquareRootPrimitive
 class StringCapitalizePrimitive
 class StringDowncasePrimitive
 class StringEndsWithPrimitive
 class StringEqPrimitive
 class StringEqualPrimitive
 class StringGreaterpPrimitive
 class StringGreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive
 class StringGreaterThanPrimitive
 class StringLeftTrimPrimitive
 class StringLesspPrimitive
 class StringLessThanOrEqualPrimitive
 class StringLessThanPrimitive
 class StringNeqPrimitive
 class StringNotGreaterpPrimitive
 class StringNotLesspPrimitive
 class StringpPrimitive
 class StringPrimitive
 class StringRightTrimPrimitive
 class StringStartsWithPrimitive
 class StringTrimPrimitive
 class StringUpcasePrimitive
 class SubstPrimitive
 class SubtractOnePrimitive
 class SubtractPrimitive
 class SymbolFunctionPrimitive
 class SymbolNamePrimitive
 class SymbolPackagePrimitive
 class SymbolPlistPrimitive
 class SymbolpPrimitive
 class SymbolValuePrimitive
 class TagbodyPrimitive
          The TAGBODY special form.
 class TangentPrimitive
 class TenthPrimitive
 class ThirdPrimitive
 class TimePrimitive
 class TracePrimitive
 class TypeOfPrimitive
 class UsePackagePrimitive
          Adds new packages to use for a package.
 class ZeropPrimitive

Uses of StandardLispValue in org.jatha.dynatype

Subclasses of StandardLispValue in org.jatha.dynatype
 class LispConsIterator
          An abstract class for the CONS and NIL data types.
 class StandardLispAtom
          LispAtom defines the ATOM type in Common LISP.
 class StandardLispBignum
          Implements BigNums - large integers.
 class StandardLispCharacter
 class StandardLispComplex
          StandardLispComplex represents a Complex number.
 class StandardLispCons
 class StandardLispConsOrNil
          An abstract class for the CONS and NIL data types.
 class StandardLispConstant
 class StandardLispForeignObject
 class StandardLispFunction
          Implements a Common LISP 'function' type which represents built-in or user-defined functions.
 class StandardLispHashTable
          Implements the Common LISP 'hashtable' type, including all four types: eq, eql, equal, and equalp has tables.
 class StandardLispInteger
 class StandardLispJavaObject
 class StandardLispKeyword
          A keyword is a constant (symbol) which evaluates to itself.
 class StandardLispMacro
          Implements a Common LISP 'macro' type which represents user-defined macros.
 class StandardLispNIL
 class StandardLispNumber
          LispNumber is an abstract class that implements the Common LISP NUMBER type.
 class StandardLispPackage
          An implementation of ANSI Common LISP packages, including defpackage, export, import, etc.
 class StandardLispReal
 class StandardLispString
 class StandardLispSymbol
          LispSymbol implements LISP Symbols, including provisions for special bindings.

Uses of StandardLispValue in org.jatha.machine

Subclasses of StandardLispValue in org.jatha.machine
(package private)  class opAP
          opAP applies a non-recursive function in an evaluation environment.
(package private)  class opBLK
          The BLK-operation is a marker, which pops itself and it's argument from the C register.
(package private)  class opDAP
          opDAP optimizes the (...
(package private)  class opDUM
          opDUM Sets up a dummy entry in the E register to prepare for execution of a recursive function.
(package private)  class opJOIN
          opJOIN terminates a branch of an IF-ELSE statement by taking the topmost entry from the D register and storing it in the C register.
(package private)  class opLD
          opLD pushes the value of a local variable onto the S register and removes two values from the C register.
(package private)  class opLD_GLOBAL
          opLD_GLOBAL pushes onto the stack the value of a global variable.
(package private)  class opLDC
          opLDC pops two values from the C register and pushes the second of those onto the S register.
(package private)  class opLDF
          opLDF prepares to execute a non-recursive function.
(package private)  class opLDFC
          LDFC is not in Kogge's book.
(package private)  class opLDR
          JPG : Not an original jatha opcode opLDR (op LoaD Rest) has been added to handle user-defined functions with a variable number of args (with &rest keyword in the list of parameters) opLDR pushes the value of a local variable onto the S register and removes two values from the C register.
(package private)  class opLIS
          opLIS is not in the Kogge book.
(package private)  class opNIL
          opNIL pushes the constant NIL onto the S register and pops the C register.
(package private)  class opRAP
          opRAP applies a recursive function in an evaluation environment.
(package private)  class opRTN
          opRTN returns from a function call.
(package private)  class opRTN_IF
          opRTN_IF returns from a function call if the value on the stack is NIL.
(package private)  class opRTN_IT
          opRTN_IT returns from a function call if the value on the stack is non-NIL.
(package private)  class opSEL
          opSEL takes a branch in an IF-ELSE expression.
(package private)  class opSP_BIND
          opSP_BIND binds a special variable to the topmost value on the stack.
(package private)  class opSP_UNBIND
          opSP_UNBIND unbinds a special variable.
(package private)  class opSTOP
          opSTOP halts the machine.
(package private)  class opT
          opT pushes a constant T onto the stack.
(package private)  class opTAG_B
(package private)  class opTAG_E
(package private)  class opTEST
          opTEST is a variation of SEL that optimizes for recursion in the else part.
 class SECDop
          SECDop is the abstract class that encompasses all SECD machine ops.
 class SECDRegister
          SECDRegister is essentially a Stack, with an additional assign() method which resets the value, and a value() method which retrieves the whole stack.

Jatha Software