Jatha Software

Uses of Class

Packages that use Jatha

Uses of Jatha in org.jatha.compile

Fields in org.jatha.compile declared as Jatha
private  Jatha LispCompiler.f_lisp

Constructors in org.jatha.compile with parameters of type Jatha
AbsoluteValuePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
AddOnePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
AddPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
AppendPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ApplyPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
AproposPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ArcCosinePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ArcSinePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ArcTangent2Primitive(Jatha lisp)
ArcTangentPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
AssocPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
AtomPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
BackquotePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
BlockPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
BoundpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ButlastPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
CarPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
CdrPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
CeilingPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
CharacterpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ClrhashPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ConcatenatePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ConspPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ConsPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ConstantpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
CopyListPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
CosecantPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
CosinePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
CotangentPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
DefconstantPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
DefparameterPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
DefvarPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
DegreesToRadiansPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
DividePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
DocumentationPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
EighthPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
EltPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
EqlPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
EqPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
EqualNumericPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
EvalPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ExitPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ExportPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FactorialPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FboundpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FifthPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FindPackagePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FirstPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FloatpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FloorPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FourthPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FreePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FuncallPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
FunctionPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
GcFullPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
GcPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
GethashPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
GoPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
GreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
GreaterThanPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
GrindefPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
HashtableCountPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
HashtablepPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
HashtableRehashSizePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
HashtableRehashThresholdPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
HashtableSizePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
HashtableTestPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ImportPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
IntegerpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
InternPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
KeywordpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
LastPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
LengthPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
LessThanOrEqualPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
LessThanPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
LispCompiler(Jatha lisp)
LispPrimitive(Jatha lisp, String fnName)
LispPrimitive(Jatha lisp, String fnName, long minArgs)
LispPrimitive(Jatha lisp, String fnName, long minArgs, long maxArgs)
          The constructor for the LispPrimitive class.
ListAllPackagesPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ListpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ListPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ListStarPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
LoadFromJarPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
LoadPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
Macroexpand1Primitive(Jatha lisp)
MacroexpandPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
MakeHashTablePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
MakepackagePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
MaxPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
MemberPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
MinPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
MultiplyPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
NconcPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
NinthPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
NotPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
NreversePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
NStringCapitalizePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
NStringDowncasePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
NStringUpcasePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
NullPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
NumberpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
PackageNamePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
PackageNicknamesPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
PackageUseListPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
PopPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
PositionPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
Prin1Primitive(Jatha lisp)
PrincPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
PrintPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
PushPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
QuotePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
RadiansToDegreesPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
RassocPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ReadFromStringPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ReciprocalPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
RemhashPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
RemovePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
RestPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ReturnFromPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ReversePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
RplacaPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
RplacdPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SecantPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SecondPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SetfDocumentationPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SetfGethashPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SetfSymbolFunctionPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SetfSymbolPlistPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SetfSymbolValuePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SetPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SetqPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SeventhPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ShadowingImportPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ShadowPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SinePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SixthPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SquareRootPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringCapitalizePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringDowncasePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringEndsWithPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringEqPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringEqualPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringGreaterpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringGreaterThanOrEqualPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringGreaterThanPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringLeftTrimPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringLesspPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringLessThanOrEqualPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringLessThanPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringNeqPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringNotGreaterpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringNotLesspPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringRightTrimPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringStartsWithPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringTrimPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
StringUpcasePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SubstPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SubtractOnePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SubtractPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SymbolFunctionPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SymbolNamePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SymbolPackagePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SymbolPlistPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SymbolpPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
SymbolValuePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
TagbodyPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
TangentPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
TenthPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ThirdPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
TimePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
TracePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
TypeOfPrimitive(Jatha lisp)
UsePackagePrimitive(Jatha lisp)
ZeropPrimitive(Jatha lisp)

Uses of Jatha in org.jatha.display

Fields in org.jatha.display declared as Jatha
protected  Jatha Listener.f_lisp
private  Jatha LispInput.f_lisp
(package private)  Jatha AppletFrame.myApplet

Constructors in org.jatha.display with parameters of type Jatha
AppletFrame(String title, Jatha jatha, int width, int height)
LispInput(Jatha lisp, Listener parent, int rows, int cols)
Listener(Jatha lisp, String title, String thePrompt)

Uses of Jatha in org.jatha.dynatype

Fields in org.jatha.dynatype declared as Jatha
protected  Jatha StandardLispValue.f_lisp

Methods in org.jatha.dynatype that return Jatha
 Jatha StandardLispValue.getLisp()
 Jatha LispValue.getLisp()

Methods in org.jatha.dynatype with parameters of type Jatha
static LispConsOrNil LispValueFactory.makeAppendList(Jatha lisp, Collection elements)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispBignum LispValueFactory.makeBignum(Jatha lisp, BigInteger value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispBignum LispValueFactory.makeBignum(Jatha lisp, double value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispBignum LispValueFactory.makeBignum(Jatha lisp, LispInteger value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispBignum LispValueFactory.makeBignum(Jatha lisp, long value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeCons(Jatha lisp, LispValue theCar, LispValue theCdr)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeConstant(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeConstant(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispInteger LispValueFactory.makeInteger(Jatha lisp)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispInteger LispValueFactory.makeInteger(Jatha lisp, int value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispInteger LispValueFactory.makeInteger(Jatha lisp, Integer value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispInteger LispValueFactory.makeInteger(Jatha lisp, long value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispInteger LispValueFactory.makeInteger(Jatha lisp, Long value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeKeyword(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeKeyword(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispConsOrNil LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, Collection elements)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, LispValue first)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, LispValue first, LispValue second)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, LispValue first, LispValue second, LispValue third)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispCons LispValueFactory.makeList(Jatha lisp, LispValue first, LispValue second, LispValue third, LispValue fourth)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispConsOrNil LispValueFactory.makeNconcList(Jatha lisp, Collection elements)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static StandardLispNIL LispValueFactory.makeNIL(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static StandardLispNIL LispValueFactory.makeNIL(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispReal LispValueFactory.makeReal(Jatha lisp)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispReal LispValueFactory.makeReal(Jatha lisp, double value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispReal LispValueFactory.makeReal(Jatha lisp, Double value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispReal LispValueFactory.makeReal(Jatha lisp, float value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispReal LispValueFactory.makeReal(Jatha lisp, Float value)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispString LispValueFactory.makeString(Jatha lisp, String str)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeSymbol(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
static LispSymbol LispValueFactory.makeSymbol(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead
 void StandardLispValue.setLisp(Jatha lisp)
 void LispValue.setLisp(Jatha lisp)
static LispValue LispValueFactory.toLisp(Jatha lisp, Object obj)
          Deprecated. Use the same method on the Jatha class instead

Constructors in org.jatha.dynatype with parameters of type Jatha
StandardLispAtom(Jatha lisp)
StandardLispBignum(Jatha lisp)
StandardLispBignum(Jatha lisp, BigInteger theValue)
StandardLispBignum(Jatha lisp, double theValue)
StandardLispBignum(Jatha lisp, long theValue)
StandardLispCharacter(Jatha lisp)
StandardLispCharacter(Jatha lisp, char theChar)
StandardLispComplex(Jatha lisp)
          Creates the complex number (0, 0).
StandardLispComplex(Jatha lisp, LispValue realPart, LispValue imaginaryPart)
          Creates realPart new complex number with the given real part and imaginary part.
StandardLispCons(Jatha lisp)
StandardLispCons(Jatha lisp, LispValue theCar, LispValue theCdr)
StandardLispConsOrNil(Jatha lisp)
StandardLispConstant(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolNameString)
StandardLispConstant(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolNameString, LispValue itsValue)
StandardLispConstant(Jatha lisp, LispValue oldSymbol)
StandardLispConstant(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
StandardLispConstant(Jatha lisp, String symbolName, LispValue itsValue)
StandardLispForeignObject(Jatha lisp)
StandardLispForeignObject(Jatha lisp, Object theObject)
StandardLispFunction(Jatha lisp)
          Creates a function with no content - not recommended.
StandardLispFunction(Jatha lisp, LispValue symbol, LispValue code)
          Send in the instance of Jatha and the code for this function.
StandardLispHashTable(Jatha lisp)
          Creates an eql hash table with default sizes and rehash thresholds.
StandardLispHashTable(Jatha lisp, LispValue typeArg, LispValue sizeArg, LispValue rehashSizeArg, LispValue rehashThresholdArg)
          Send in the test type, size, rehash-size, and rehash-threshold or NIL for any of the parameters.
StandardLispInteger(Jatha lisp)
StandardLispInteger(Jatha lisp, long theValue)
StandardLispJavaObject(Jatha lisp, Object theObject)
StandardLispKeyword(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolNameString)
StandardLispKeyword(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
StandardLispMacro(Jatha f_lisp, LispValue symbol, LispValue value)
StandardLispNIL(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolNameString)
StandardLispNIL(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
StandardLispNumber(Jatha lisp)
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue name)
          Creates a new package.
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue name, LispValue nicknames)
          Creates a package with a list of nicknames.
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue name, LispValue nicknames, LispValue usesList)
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue pname, LispValue pnicknames, LispValue puses, SymbolTable symtab)
          Creates a package with a list of nicknames and a list of exported symbols.
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, LispValue pname, LispValue pnicknames, LispValue puses, SymbolTable symtab, SymbolTable shadows)
          Creates a package with a list of nicknames and a list of exported symbols.
StandardLispPackage(Jatha lisp, String name)
          Creates a new package.
StandardLispReal(Jatha lisp)
StandardLispReal(Jatha lisp, double theValue)
StandardLispString(Jatha lisp, String strName)
StandardLispSymbol(Jatha lisp, LispString symbolNameString)
StandardLispSymbol(Jatha lisp, String symbolName)
StandardLispValue(Jatha lisp)

Uses of Jatha in org.jatha.eval

Fields in org.jatha.eval declared as Jatha
private  Jatha LispEvaluator.f_lisp

Constructors in org.jatha.eval with parameters of type Jatha
LispEvaluator(Jatha lisp)

Uses of Jatha in org.jatha.machine

Fields in org.jatha.machine declared as Jatha
(package private)  Jatha SECDMachine.f_lisp

Methods in org.jatha.machine that return Jatha
 Jatha SECDMachine.getLisp()

Constructors in org.jatha.machine with parameters of type Jatha
opAP(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opBLK(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opDAP(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opDUM(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opJOIN(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opLD_GLOBAL(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opLD(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opLDC(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opLDF(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opLDFC(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opLDR(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opLIS(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opNIL(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opRAP(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opRTN_IF(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opRTN_IT(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opRTN(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opSEL(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opSP_BIND(Jatha lisp)
opSP_UNBIND(Jatha lisp)
opSTOP(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opT(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opTAG_B(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opTAG_E(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
opTEST(Jatha lisp)
          It calls SECDop() with the machine argument and the label of this instruction.
SECDMachine(Jatha lisp)
SECDop(Jatha lisp, String opName)
SECDRegister(Jatha lisp, String name)

Uses of Jatha in org.jatha.read

Fields in org.jatha.read declared as Jatha
private  Jatha LispParser.f_lisp

Methods in org.jatha.read with parameters of type Jatha
static boolean LispParser.hasBalancedParentheses(Jatha lisp, LispValue input)
          Returns true if the input expression has balanced parentheses
static boolean LispParser.hasBalancedParentheses(Jatha lisp, String input)
          Returns true if the input expression has balanced parentheses

Constructors in org.jatha.read with parameters of type Jatha
LispParser(Jatha lisp, Reader inStream)
LispParser(Jatha lisp, Reader inStream, int caseSensitivity)
          Allows you to create a parser that handles input case conversion as you like.
LispParser(Jatha lisp, String inString)
LispParser(Jatha lisp, String inString, int caseSensitivity)
          Allows you to create a parser that handles input case conversion as you like.

Uses of Jatha in org.jatha.test

Methods in org.jatha.test with parameters of type Jatha
 void LispTester.test(Jatha lisp)

Uses of Jatha in org.jatha.test.junit

Fields in org.jatha.test.junit declared as Jatha
protected static Jatha CoreTest.f_lisp
private static Jatha ArgumentTest.lisp

Uses of Jatha in org.jatha.util

Fields in org.jatha.util declared as Jatha
private  Jatha SymbolTable.f_lisp

Constructors in org.jatha.util with parameters of type Jatha
SymbolTable(Jatha lisp)
SymbolTable(Jatha lisp, int defaultSize)
SymbolTable(Jatha lisp, int initialSize, float loadFactor)

Jatha Software